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Salto del Tigre

(Spanish) Literally "Tiger's Jump". A spectacular feat of acrobatics, marksmanship and nerve where a man jumps off a clothes bureau or high space, fully erect and lands on a woman that is on her back with her legs open, penetrating her in one shot.

Amigo 1: I saw Juan in a wheelchair the other day with tears in his eyes - what happened?
Amigo 2: Oh that fucker tried 'el Salto del Tigre' on his new lady and was off by a few inches. Juan is a Juana now.

by PenguinMeat October 16, 2017

22๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Maria del Sol

Maria del Sol is kinda a unique name for a unique and amazing girl.
Good-looking girl and cute, awesome, thoughtful. If you've a problem she will do everything to help you, even lose a fingernail for protect you of do something stupid.

Consider yourself lucky if you're a friend who she hangout with or even more luckier if you can be Maria del Sol 's boyfriend.

Maria del Sol also knows how to party , make you laugh and be chill.

Be grateful, you won't find anyone like her.

A: So, with who are you going out ?

B: With Maria del Sol and some friends.

A: You're a lucky guy , I envy you dude , she is great.

by Alpherious April 20, 2018

Cartel del Moha

The most powerful cartel north of the Rio Grande.

Viva el patron don moha puro cartel del Moha. He got the vein going down the tip.

by Lamoncadagto October 5, 2021

Culo del Diablo

Culo del Diablo is a mexican way of saying its very far.
Tu casa esta hasta el culo del diablo!!!/Your house is fucking far!!!

Tu casa esta hasta el culo del diablo!!!/Your house is fucking far!!!

by Olvera April 29, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lana del rey

The queen of the world.. Basically the bitch who will slay your fave.. Every gay guy and white girls loves her.. Ahe's the wallpaper of many and the queen of tumblr.. Her poses are perfect without even trying..

White girl: i love to listen to lana del ray summertime sadness!!

Gay guy: shut the fuck up its lana del rey* and thats a remix u ugly fuck drink ur starbucks and stfu

by Yourfuckinmom November 1, 2014

636๐Ÿ‘ 184๐Ÿ‘Ž


The only way to fix Windows... Used to reset the computer and/or end programms running.

AHHHHH BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH!! must press Ctrl+Alt+Del to save it!

by Fury1671 November 8, 2003

161๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

playa del carmen

the best place in the world. its a town in mexico thats 40 minutes south of cancun. its a lot better than cancun b/c theres a whole lot less tourists and the people are more friendly. good food and beaches and theres a walmart there too.
definately a place to go before you die.

"So where'd you go this summer"
"Playa del Carmen"
"Its near Cancun"

by mirandaa27 August 10, 2007

41๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž