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Pandemic Standard Time

The time zone everyone on Earth is on due to the pandemic. All of time seems to be mushed and nobody can remember the day.

Two friends texting in late 2020:
Friend 1: "Omg I just thought it was Tuesday."
Friend 2: "It is Tuesday!"

Friend 1: "OMG haha wow. See I got confused cause I had two similar events today and yesterday."
Friend 2: "You must be stuck in Pandemic Standard Time"

by Licensed_Nerd November 3, 2020

Pandemic Standard Time

Also called PST. Used to define the non-proportionality of time while self-isolating at home during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

I don't even know what day of the week it is anymore. March lasted for 6 years, April exactly 6 minutes and May 6 seconds. It's like we're following some kind of Pandemic Standard Time!

by SadMandalorian May 27, 2020

Pandemic Boyfriend

A guy you are seriously dating during a pandemic, but do not plan to have a longterm relationship with post-pandemic.

My pandemic boyfriend IS my social bubble.

We get along really well, but he's got kind of an anger issue. Still, I don't know how I'd get through this quarantine without pandemic boyfriend.

by i8civilization January 16, 2021

parallel pandemics

Covid and Q, having emerged simultaneously, infecting millions of Americans.

Refusing to wear a mask, she had contracted Covid. Trapped in her ICU bed, sustained by the respirator, she seethed - Trump won, he was the messiah, the election had been stolen, rigged, whatever that meant, the democrats were Satan-worshipping pedophiles - her mind and her body victimized equally by parallel pandemics.

by Monkey's Dad February 3, 2021