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Xtreme rated

That’s the Xtreme team over there. They’re so cool, they spell xtreme without the e on front. If you want to be xtreme you have to be X-rated (xtreme rated)

by FailboatsCursedSoldier414 June 18, 2021


Rating someone on their looks only..

'F-rate' fuck rate or fit rate for younger memembers

On a scale of 1-10,

10 being fuckable and 1 non fuckable

10 fit and 1 ugly

Kim- Where's he on the f-rate?

sam- I would so I'd give him a 9/10

by Thinktofuck September 19, 2016

Rating Agency

A 'rating agency' is a collective name for a group of arseholes that issue negative ratings to countries, companies and investment vehicles in order to enable their clients, especially banks, to asset strip them.

I see X rating agency have downgraded Y's sovereign debt...the banks are going to force the sale of public assets on the people, mark my words!

by Chris Biscuts January 17, 2012

churn rate

How often a particular job gets turned over, time and time again.

The churn rate on that mcjob is high. gee...nobody wants that job!

by dtmcculloch December 1, 2003

KitKat Rating

The amount a fingers a female can fit inside her vagina. If this is rating is above 4 then the rating will have the letter "C" after it, representing KitKat Chunky.

- "what was her KitKat rating dude??"

- "She was a 2......"

-"Not too bad then...."


by frankblud May 19, 2011

Smash Rate

When you rate someone if you'd smash or nah

Guy 1: Wanna smash rate?
Guy 2: Sure
Guy 1: Jennifer
Guy 2: a 6 I'd smash

by Kyweezy November 19, 2016

PB Rating

A scientific measurement of the strength of the smell of period blood (PB), present in the room. The range is 0-5

0- None present
1- Very small, usually undetected

2- Small, but detectable
3- Starting to stink up the room
4- May cause gagging, pretty damn strong
5- Induces vomiting and possible post traumatic stress.

Person 1- "SON OF A BITCH!! Do you smell that?"
Person 2- "Yeah man, there is a PB Rating of 3 up in here. Man, I still have nightmares of the 5 I encountered."

by esunc91 December 9, 2009