An annoying system containing pain and tiny parts that make your life a living hell.
Jake: Bro, do you know about that technic crap.
Jenna: Yeah, technic sucks bro.
Jake: Lego Technic sucks.
Jane, Jenna, Janice, and Jessica: Nah really?
There's no such thing as technical superiority, it's one of the bullshit terms they made for the Olympics that isn't based on reality, and judges are the kind of people that perpetuate it. A guy can go out and wrestle his way to a gold medal and that's great, but it's not just about winning and nothing else is sacred. It's also how you get a job done, and a gold medal doesn't make you better than the next guy, that's never the point. Hopefully being better than others is not why people dream of being in the Olympics, no matter their country. Once something goes beyond getting as far as you take yourself to one person being better than another, it's not a good thing for people to reach for.
There are technically skilled athletes, and they are champions in their own right, but telling them they are technically superior or that there is such a thing as technical superiority to another human being is wrong, and it's not a trend that should continue. The Olympics are meant to be games, not a superiority measuring contest or battle. That is not enjoyable for anybody, including the athletes (though the judges and announcers might get off on that sort of thing).
When your computer freezes and you cannot respond to an IM.
My computer locked up and I couldn't respond to her IM, I had a bad case of technical laryngitis.
A private for-profit technical institute with its headquarters in Carmel, Indiana and many campuses throughout the United States.
ITT Technical Institute was the best.
When a fight is ended by a referee on the grounds of a participant not being able to continue.
KSI won the match against Joe Weller after the referee calling technical knockout.
Otherwise Known as MIT: Midlands Institute of Technology.
Everyone knows the real MIT is in Columbia South Carolina: Midlands Technical College
Technical suicide (or T-suicide) is a way to say that you're gonna be under pressure when dealing with technical shit, like programming or IT management or hardware engineering and such
Man I'm already commiting technical suicide
Okay fuck this I'm gonna commit T-suicide