do not eat chipotle, a man once ate chipotle and went to the hospital, do not eat it or else you will fucking die. chipotle is basically napalm for your assholes. if you eat it your shit will launch you to Jupiter, you wont die of oxygen loss but of chipotle.
"jeff ate chipotle yesterday and his fucking shit launched him through the roof"
Wanting to have sex with your teacher/professor
Professor, my chipotle is ready, can I go get it?
Class Dismissed.
Someone who literally sits around and just eats chipotle
" Why is she always with the same burrito? She's literally such a chipotle potato. "
When one brushes their teeth with hot sauce and proceeds to give oral sex to someone with a penis.
Josh and John conversing:
Josh: hey did I tell you about what Sheila did the other night?
John: nah
Josh: she gave me a chipotle kiss, I’m still recovering.
John: sounds like things got pretty spicy…
Josh: we are no longer friends.