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Spicy butt fuck

Where you put spices up someone’s butt and fuck it

I’m gonna spicy butt fuck you tonight

by Alskgiskalll January 13, 2018

butt fucking squirrels

it means good morning in the french

"Butt fucking squirrels!" "Butt fucking squirrels"

by bro give me a name >:( June 21, 2023

Butt fucked

To take dick in the anus

Man Nate totally got butt fucked last night by a bbc

by 931JA September 17, 2023

butt fucked

1. sex

2. something you say when you beat someone (ex. a game)

1. i butt fucked stacy last night.
2. get absolutely butt fucked

by friendlyneighborhoodsidehoe May 20, 2022