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Wank Cabbage

The correct way to refer to someone when they're being a little shitface.

Hey, stop being a fucking wank cabbage and join the voice call.

by LukeEmia_ January 5, 2021

electric cabbage

marijuana, pot, weed

We like to get togther once a week have a few brews, some electric cabbage and have a jam session.

by Joe Bruno September 28, 2007

cabbage roll

A cabbage roll is a rolled up bundle of paper money. A money roll.

Sherrie saw the size of his cabbage roll and knew who she was going home with that evening.

by ringmasterow January 26, 2010

Mad cabbage

Mad cabbage is a way to referring to weed, blunts, marijuana.

Dude lets go get high with some mad cabbage during lunch.

by Tyruct Jenkins February 9, 2011

Happy Cabbage

The term Happy Cabbage refers to a stash of money. It could be a rainy day fund, an escape fund, or even a cottage by the seaside fund. It could be a little or a lot.

It’s something you continue to build, much like the layers of a healthy cabbage.

It’s your Happy Cabbage.

“Dude, are you eating ramen again? That’s the fourth time this week!”
“Yep. And the elastic in all my underwear is shot. But you should see my Happy Cabbage! I’ll have that Ferrari one day.”

by ForestFairy January 25, 2020

Unseasoned cabbage

Basically anyone who is being a dick to you

Don't leave me here to clean up your mess, you unseasoned cabbage go suck your mom

by SLAV_WICK April 13, 2020

Cabbage eater

Someone of reduced intelligence, usually only requiring the bare minimum nutrition to survive.

Jane: Jane like cabbage, cabbage like Jane. Nom nom nom

Jane ate the cabbage

Cabbage eaters = simple people

by Practicaldickhead August 7, 2018