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ethan corp.

A worldwide corporation.
We aim to take over the world.
This will make our corporation very succesful.

Me: Ethan Corp. just bought every company in existence.
You: Impressive.

by AnonymousGuyOnTheInternet January 19, 2022

Marnie Corps

weird, awkward man children that will tell you the same story until your ear falls off. all a marnie boy knows is the gym even though he’s getting no where. maybe their so clingy because marriage is a must within the first month of dating. old people fantasy this species because at heart there 70. don’t even dare bring up another branch of the military because they are nothing to a marnie. don’t date a marnie for your own sake.

oh no not the Marnie Corps boy

by the marnie corp ex December 30, 2021

Big-clitty Marine Corps GF

A rough-and-tumble Marine Corps woman. A female, grizzled, warfighter. Her manliness is often attributed to her clit being as large as a man's penis.

Big-clitty Marine Corps GF (noun) - A masculine female Marine Corps woman.

"I saw the sergeant talking with that Marine officer again. I bet he wants to make her his Big-clitty Marine Corps GF."

"I've seen her dude, she's a beast. Definitely could make a great Big-clitty Marine Corps GF.

by Hahaitscommander October 2, 2018

Zombie news-corp

When all the news corporations in your country are dead. no longer independent or bought up by the highest bidder. Freedom of press is dead and has come back in the form of propaganda.

all the news in this country has become a zombie news-corp, I may as well stop paying attention.

by Jake Jimmy Smith October 15, 2020

Gravity Corp

A Trash Game Company that hates rec room.

Person 1: Gravity Corp so good.
Person 2: Rec Room better.

by 👃🏿Quandale Dingle👃🏿 July 6, 2022

Kdo Corp Bcf

Underground business development corporation. Originally know as Black Collar Family, recently changed to Branding Corporation Family. It's heard to be probable that it was funded by drug money and tax evasion.

It's pronounced KAY DOUGH CORP BCF.

by Furyan021 December 28, 2021

1👍 4👎

Condom Corp

A goof troop filled with users that screw up the Landonia patriarchy and borrowing the name from the accident that led to their birth.

y’all fuckers look like the condom corp 💀

by Leokingahoe November 23, 2022