Source Code

ultra mega giga alpha omega ogiga ultimate super duper extreme terrific very godly divine exquisite unlimited infinite perfect masterful destructive infernal devastating world-ending

The peak adjective.

"My IQ is ultra mega giga alpha omega ogiga ultimate super duper extreme terrific very godly divine exquisite unlimited infinite perfect masterful destructive infernal devastating world-ending high."

by Loud Dumbass April 12, 2022

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Divine Cherish

Divine Cherish is a girl from Wattpad story “The Divine Infection”. She is a half veela who attends Hogwarts, in Slytherin house. She is known for being sexy, popular, and kind. She is the love interest of Draco Malfoy.

I’m Divine Cherish.” I introduced myself to him as class started.

by houseofmalfoy June 9, 2021

A Divine Fantasy

Metal band from St. Paul, MN.

A Divine Fantasy KICKS ASS!!!

by A Divine Fantasy March 20, 2007

Impress Divinity

(1) Appeared on Saneter Studios bringing the reveloutionary idea/ argument that the sperm is not the spirit. (2) She who embodies hip hop, the divine feminine, and complex thought in the form of writing/poetic expression.

Impress Divinity expresses the importance of the divine feminine and imparative agression against "pick me" women.

by SavageBadu November 23, 2021

goddess divine

a loving mom who is open about what their kids want to be. She loves her kids no matter what. She doesn’t care who you love as long as your happy.

Ya my moms the Goddess Divine

by Thedogwars June 20, 2024

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The Crimson Diviner

Title given to the highest being on the both the mortal and spiritual plane. The ultima force that is present after death, and before birth. The perfect balance of life itself.

The Crimson Diviner? Yeah that's my god. I pray to them every night.

by NotCrimson November 25, 2021

Divine Anarchism

Divine Anarchism, shortened as DivAn, is the anarchist version of Divine Communism, it believes that gods, the divine and divine beings are anarchists and their organization is literally anarchism, and also believes that gods and the divine will help humanity to build an anarchist society and help humanity to reach godhood. Divine anarchism basically advocates anarcho-divinialism with anarcho-communist praxis.

"Divine Anarchism sounds quite niche, but it's still interesting, if we realize there are people who take Divine Anarcho-Capitalism (DivAncap) seriously, mainly in Brazil, and people who take Divine Communism (DivCom) serious in several parts of the world."

by Full Monteirism May 14, 2021