That one white annoying-ass sevie on your bus that pisses everybody off to the point of suicide.
That Alex kid is a Freckled Fuck Face.
Gin·ger fre·ckles jin jer fre klz
1. Too much paprika
2. When there's not enough hot sauce on a del taco taco
3. When a red headed fast food employee uses his magic warlock dust to ruin a del taco taco
"Welcome to del taco, what can I get for you?"
"Ya, can I get 2 classic tacos with no lettuce or ginger freckles please."
It’s when a person has a weird freckle on the bottom of their foot/feet.
“Look at that freckle foot mf!”
It’s a hybrid mix between a freckle and a bug
Resembles a tick but not quite
there’s a Freckle Bug crawling on my back get it
Loving somebody one minute, than choosing to have nothing to do with them.
Nicholas is a freckled bitch when he would get in a fight with his dad one day, that says he doesn’t love him and he wants nothing to do with it.
Hey, did you see that elf freckle yesterday, when we went to that North Pole exhibit?