To get absolutely wasted at jack scannels gaff
Here I went to jacks gaff and I was wasted
To get absolutely smashed at jacks scanners gaff
Here I just went to jacks gaff and got wasted
Dressing gown you wear, walking around and sitting in your gaff.
Im gonna get back to my gaff, put kettle on for a brew and get my gaff jacket on.
Faken fat house party or bake up
Yoo are you going to that fatty gaff on the weekend?
To throw pigeons at ones Gaff (house)
I'm going to pigeon your Gaff!!!
A concoction of alcoholic beverages transferred into an empty 2L bottle of some sort and shared amongst a group of people leaving a house "gaff" party en route to a nightclub.
The name originates from North County Dublin, the bottle resembles a house phone, & everyone always wants to use the gaff phone!
Who wants to use the gaff phone?
Giz a shot of the gaff phone?
Who's next on the gaff phone?