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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is and was the first black women sorority...but not the best. Delta Sigma Theta has put them to rest. AKA's have always been known for their colors and sometimes pretty faces but what else??? AKA's are nothing but a social organization...to really be honest you can get your letters in three days without even working for them. See in Delta...you will work for what you have, nothing will be given to you that easy. So if you want to be known as haters and sluts for the rest of your life join the stupid sorority of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.

AKA: oh my god...what have I done....I wanted to be a Delta but I chose Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. cause I THOUGHT I would be pretty!

by Tranquilizer March 15, 2008

70👍 394👎

Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc.

The year 1975 saw the birth of what started as a vision - an idea of an organization, a sisterhood that would cater to the needs of Latinas and the universal woman. Thanks to the tremendous strides made by our seventeen founding mothers, this dream was realized, and took form as the entity. Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Incorporated, the first Latina sorority in the nation.

Lambda Theta Alpha was recognized at Kean University as the First Latina Sorority founded in the United States. This organization was the first to recognize the need for a support system, thus creating one. The desire to progress, dedication to their community, and the aspiration for the advancement of the Latina women marked the beginning of Lambda Theta Alpha. It allowed the independent Latina woman of a new era to have a sense of belonging and with that, achieve her highest potential. It would define a new role for the Latina woman, one with education, goals and vision in hopes of great success.

Colors- Burgandy and Grey
Principles- Unity,Love, Respect
Goals: Scholarly excellence, empowerment of Latinas and the universal woman, cultural and political awareness, and community activism.

Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. is the FIRST, LARGEST, and the BEST Latina based but multicultural sorority in the nation.

A Lambda Lady is often imitated NEVER duplicated !!

A Lambda Lady is three things, smart, classy and fabulous ♥

A sisterhood based on UNITY, LOVE and RESPECT.

by ladyDeuce September 27, 2011

71👍 81👎

Delta Xi Phi Multicultural Sorority Inc

founded by 15 strong women on April 20, 1994 on certain pillars. The first multicultural sorority, it's symbols are the white bengal tiger, yellow rose of Texas, and the diamond.

I have to much inner diversity to be in a black or white sorority so i pledged DXP (Delta Xi Phi Multicultural Sorority Inc) . Xi-EEEEE!!!!

by Coookie6 April 16, 2010

23👍 28👎

Sweet Baby Inc.

Sweet baby Inc. (commonly referred to as SBI) is a Canadian aggregation of life-sucking parasitic libtarded pedofags consisting of subhumans like SJWs, Cancelpigs, tyronnes, dheliquents, pendejos and especially jewholes, specially white people induced with a sexual abuse-induced syndrome called white-guilt cuased by anus rape, brought together under the appearance of a company, an extremely woke-leaning narrative development and consultation studio, known for their lack of morals and inexhaustible apathy towards the communities involved in the franchises this “said” corporation ruined. The company's CEO is an infamous gluttonous abomination who hates videogames generally, especially countless entire videogame franchises her corporation was involved in. Her infamy rose from a constant habit of deceiving, insulting, berating and disappointing every fanbase and community, of every single fucking ruined franchises, while her company infiltrates on gaming companies by her command and shoving down woketard politics on the gaming franchises they touched with the same hands they jerk off with when watching ch1ld pr0n (no wonder why their logo is a pedofag symbol) while at the same time mocking them nonchalantly. When the so-deemed "minority" speaks out against Sweet Baby Inc. staff and supporters of the company react poorly, expecting said minorities to walk in lockstep with their ideals silently.

Sweet Baby Inc. employees appear to believe that these minority factions must bend the knee their rights to them for what they deem in their LSD-induced hallucinations as “the greater good” and become pets to the same organizational belief systems they claim to hold in which they always betray by the usage of censorship and silencing against who opposes to their horseshittery.

by TheKamikazeMonkeys March 4, 2024

7👍 8👎

company inc

the act of fucking a co worker or colleague, derived from the term dipping into the company inc.

Who are you fucking these days dude?
I am fucking that big-tit-bitch working at reception nigga.
Oh, you are dipping into the company inc.

by T. Lux. April 30, 2003

Inc kids

Inc kids . Referring to incarnation kids. Kids who don’t give 2 fucks about what everyone thinks.has boyfriends by 2nd grade.even tho nun of the relationships last every girl or boy NEVER loses feelings.also odee drama is here and maybe even fights. I left the school for a reason but I wish I would go back . And if u ever have a group in inc trust me they gonna switch up best believe that

Stacey:I hate her
Anjarah:wasn’t u just talking to her?
Stacey:yea but she gets on my fucking nerves
Anjarah:fake bitch
Stacey:meet me after school we fighting
Stacey:*brings her whole family not even to fight,to fucking talk*
Anjarah: inc kids these days🤦🏻 ♀️

by Inc kids May 20, 2018


when someone picks something up they have to say inc

inc oh i actually caught it

by koolhunhj February 7, 2020