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Serial Cuddler

A serial killer who cuddles you to death while slowly whispering in an ASMR fashion; the lyrics to Dancing Queen

Joshie you’re such a serial cuddler

by JoshieYoshi August 20, 2021


A person who, while driving, honks the horn at the very thought of any good reason to typically do so.

That light JUST turned green and that dude is honking at me?! Fucking serial-beeper...

by Rocketyears October 2, 2016

Serial Boxer

A male that goes around eating a many woman box "vagina." (The first serial boxer was a man named William Lamar Jacksòn)

Man I'm a serial boxer. If the pussy taste right imma eat it.

by TheProphet2114guint September 14, 2018


An individual, usually an ignorant blowhard, who sees it fit to trivialize the success of others despite never accomplishing anything themselves.

Steve: Did you hear? Mike got hired at that Fortune Five Hundred accounting firm on Wall Street.
Tom: Yeah, Whatever. Mike isn't even smart, just has a horseshoe up his ass, I could do that shit any day. Besides imma make millions anyways.
Steve: Dude, seriously? You're 30, trying to become a rapper, unemployed and living with your mom. serial-trivializer much?

by JayzoM February 1, 2016

serial crier

When someone is really emotional and cries during every show/movie/commercial/etc they watch

Man I cried more than 5 times watching the series finale of The Office just now and I can't stop. I'm definitely a serial crier.

by coolbeansdude April 24, 2016

Serial definer

Posting 3 or more definitions per day at Urban Dictionary

It's not an issue what he does, he is just a serial definer

by Suklaa August 22, 2018

serial path

A mix between a serial killer and a psychopath

That serial path just murdered 25 kids

by Timmy Bonner June 16, 2017