A person who can consistently solve a 3x3x3 cube puzzle whose main focus is on improving their average speed solve times.
I am a Speed Cuber , I go for Speed Cubing competitions in my area as soon as I see them.
A speed twice as fast of the speed of light, as defined from Fighter from 8-bit theater, Interlude 02.
Ninjas are too slow for me because I move at the speed of swords--it is twice as fast as light you can look it up but i don't know where so dont ask--so that is why you see my sword blur like that.
Receiving a blumpkin (taking a shit while you're getting some dome) while driving. This can be done either into a bed pan or just onto the seat if you really don't give a shit.
Rebecca gave you a speed blump last night? Was it in a bed pan or did you just let it fly free?
Wake and Speed is when you wake up and try 5mg to 25mg Speed (Amphetamine, Ethylamphetamine) mixed with water. You can also use Blue Speed (Blue Amphetamine, Blue Ethylamphetamine). You become energetic and hyper. You might become sleepier instead on the Speed because of some forms of ADHD, so you might want to consider a Wake and Mod instead. If referring to Ethylamphetamine, it's Wake and EthylAmp (Wake and Ethyl-Amp, Wake and EA). If referring to Amphetamine, it's Wake and Amp. If referring to Thiopropamine (TPA), Methiopropamine (MPA), Ethiopropamine (EPA), Cyclohexylaminopropane (Norpropylhexedrine, NPPX, CHAP), Propylhexedrine (PPX), Cyclopentamine (CPA), Cyclopentylaminopropane (CPAP), Propylamphetamine (PA, PropylAmp, Propyl-Amp), It's Wake and Speed jr. When it's Propylamphetamine, it's Wake and PropylAmp (Wake and PA, Wake and Propyl-Amp). If using any stimulant (including caffeine), it's Wake and Tweak (Wake and Stim).
Tony: I woke up at 6:30am, took 10mg of Ethylamphetamine, and fell asleep. Then I woke up at 7:30am awake, refreshed, energetic, and confident. Thanks Wake and Speed!
1.The rate at which you are going so fast your body's natural reaction to the force is to say "ner". 2. A movement faster than the speed of light.
"The racers were driving so fast they achieved ner speed!"
"I got so excited when the roller coaster started to go I yelled "Ner Speed Ahead!!!"
"In order for the astronauts to reach Uranus in a reasonable time, they must go ner speed to get there."
The word that seems to be always said when you ask 'What are you doing?''
Me: "Yo, what have you been up to man?"
Jarrod: "Nothing, just chiilin, you know, laser speed."
a crime that requires
1. 10 Billion dollars per year in laser and radar guns
2. Over 500,000+ State Troopers nationwide in which all they do is pull people over for speeding and thats it
3. Insurance companies pay another 1 to 5 Billion in funding Police radar/laser and a excuse to raise insurance rates.
It is also a crime equal to jaywalking, or playing your music a little to loud aka a stupid small crime that is 2 Billion times enforce that EVERYONE in THE WORLD commits.
So all put together- A ticket written by a Cop (who has BIG EGO than to fight REAL CRIME) who finds speeding 15 over a HORRIBLE Crime and fines you 100 bucks and points on your license and over 400 dollars in increased insurance rates over the years in which SCREWS you for 3 to 5 years in insurance and points, and is the number one offense (175 million tickets are written each year) committed BY EVERYONE in the U.S. who pay there taxes, obey every single law, to get written up for a running pace to fast on a INTERSTATE that is in the MIDDLE OF KANSAS!!
175 million speeding tickets are written each year cause going 15 over is apparently A REALLY BAD HORRIBLE, THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO!!! Crime even though you obey every other LAW AND PAY every bit of TAX to be fucked by a speeding ticket that raises insurance rates by 10 to 20% and a screws you for 3 to 5 years cause you were speeding 15 over on a 10 mile straight stretch on a INTERSTATE in Kansas......
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