Source Code

Tube Station

A description for the presence of too many men and not enough women, "tube station" draws from a play on words of the European transit system. Analogous to "sausage fest."

Dude. There are no chicks here. This bar is a fucking tube station.

by iggywest July 1, 2010

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Station 5




Men's room.

Ladie's room.

Potty break.

The Jon.

Station 5 is a polite code meaning: To use the toilet.

I gotta hit Station 5

by grace1129 June 23, 2006

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Penetration station

An area in a prison where prisoners will rape or fuck another prisoner. The penetration station is usually a closed off area in the prison.

Prison rapist: come with me little boi...
Prisoner: where are we going daddy?
Prison rapist: The Penetration station..โ™ค

by your majesties sogginess February 28, 2017

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Metro Station

An electro-pop band, comparable to hellogoodbye. The only difference being that instead of singing about summer love and cute crushes, Metro Station prefers booty calls and more booty calls.

Regardless, this band is great, definitely danceable, and they put on great live shows.

"Tonight we'll touch
And they won't know
I know you're dying
To take off your clothes

Just trust in me
I'll never run away
You kiss my lips
And you taste like pain
And while I'm pushing it, I'm moving
Somehow you manage to say..."

A couple of lines from "Wish We Were Older" by Metro Station

by Shaday May 25, 2008

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Docking Station

When a male lines his anus up with a woman's vagina and shits in her. It may be necessary to get a 'turtle head' before attempting this procedure to ensure the maximum deposit.

After eating a heaty meal Stan felt the need to give his woman a large docking station before taking her doggy style.

by Klarsh November 2, 2008

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Rape Station

n. The place where the act of rape occurs. Usually a group lures a n00b into the station and "rapes" the n00b.

v. The act of Rape Stationing

The origin of Rape Station derived from a game of Halo 3, where a team of L33T owners, played a team of n00bs on Pit Stop. (a usual arena for MLG games or regular Team Slayer) At the start of the game the L33t team got their sniper, shotty and maulers and proceeded to enter the main base (where the energy sword is held) They fought off the other team for the entire game with a final score of 50-9
The whole team had a K/D spread of at least +6 with the highest spread going to The Color Five with +22.

From this the term "Rape Station" was born. It continues to live on in not just Halo 3 but other games and in RL as well.

"Dude that game was a Rape Station"

by Lumbia March 20, 2009

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freeding station

A combination of "feeding station" and "free," describing the log jam of people surrounding the free food sample stations at Costco.

Well, Bill, from up here in the chopper it looks like there's some traffic along the meat section and heading into the frozen food aisles there's what appears to be a pile up at the freeding station.

by Ae5Ea8 February 19, 2015

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