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Broad Stroking

To make a generalization about something.

Mary: So how did your date with Tom go?
Cindy: Terrible! All guys named Tom are crazy!
Mary: Oh Cindy, there you go broad stroking again.

by PH Hammer March 15, 2011

Stroking the Salami

When guys masterbate.

Adam has been in the bathroom for over an hour stroking the salami.

by STROW-kihn Da Sah-LAWM-mee May 9, 2003

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Choke and Stroke

The act of (hopefully)non fatal strangulation while masturbating.

Did you hear? They say, Michael Hutchence of INXS, died while doing the Choke and Stroke.

by Roninsfx September 26, 2008

98๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Courtesy strokes

The final important jerks at the end of a male orgasm

"Hey Dan....I had some great courtesy strokes off your mum last night!"

by Jamie coop Conway February 23, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

worship strokes

Usually takes place during a game of Tease and Denial when a man strokes his erect penis in front of a woman with whom he is playing the game with. This is meant to show respect and worship towards the woman playing the dominant role of the game. The man is generally not allowed to ejaculate during this time.

While on his knees naked, he will show his submissiveness by giving his mistress worship strokes.

by JD911911 July 7, 2008

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Stroke Book

Another term for pornographic magazines.

Origin: Chasing Amy

Playboy is a good stroke book.

by Dubya September 23, 2004

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Butterfly Stroke

Sexual position similar to missionary, but the guy uses the headboard to hold his weight up, which makes it look a lot like he's doing the butterfly stroke in bed. Popularized by leaked footage of the movie Breaking Dawn. Almost guaranteed to make a girl faint if she likes sparkling vampires.

I didn't think my boyfriend knew anything about the Twilight Saga, but then he tried the butterfly stroke on me in bed. He can't deny it anymore.

by Adorably Perky April 13, 2011

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