Source Code

The Colonel Sanders

As your girl lays down she asks you what kind of chicken you want in a sexy voice and then you reply and tell her you want the 8 piece bucket. She takes off her clothes and you start titty fucking both breasts, then her pull out and jizz on them, reload and start fucking her between the legs and jizz on them and then reload and fuck her between her thighs similar to titty fuck style and you jizz on them and while she is still wearing her maxi pad, have her keep it in her vagina and when you're about to bust a nut pull out and jizz on her wings in order to complete the 8 piece meal.

I just gave my girl The Colonel Sanders and she told me it was finger licking good.

by nflfanatic4life April 25, 2018

The Colonel Sanders

The foamy beard you get from going down on a girl after you or someone has already cum inside her.

"After I blew my load, I started licking her pussy. She came so hard she gave me The Colonel Sanders"

by Sir BigDaddy June 3, 2015

Colonel Cheddar

Fill your partner's anus with Cheese Whiz to the point where the stomach begins to bulge, much like the hentai water inflation kink. As the cheese whiz begins to leak out of the anus, grab a cracker and enjoy a cheesy snack.

Damn, Sandra finally let me give her a Colonel Cheddar last night. It's always a great time as you get a tasty snack with the experience.

by Exhumed1 May 26, 2024

Colonel Autumn

Someone who is loved dearly by some random girl he met on discord one day. November 3rd happened to be the first time they talked in a dm before. Pretty cool eh? I'd say it is. Considering I'm the girl he met haha.

@Colonel Autumn hey idiot i love you <333

by loveydoveym6no June 3, 2021

Colonel Power

Government teacher who thinks he can give kids detention for not doing hw. Doesnt realize senior year is over.

"Yo Colonel Power no one did the hw!"

by Barry G. April 4, 2004

Colonel Clammy

Someone who's way too fuckin' moist to play xbox.

God damn Colonel Clammy, your hands are too moist to play CoD. foreskin.

by 2moist4u August 13, 2011

Colonel Coma

That extremely incredible feeling you get in your belly after spending more than 45 minutes in KFC endulging in a family sized bucket by yourself or with your chicken buddy.

Usually the whole shating, boned, boneless, 4 fries each and 2 large gravys.

Sam: "fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk dat damn colnel done got me good again."
Brooke: "ererrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh god damn pink bitch this is the worst colonel coma EVERRRR."
Sam: "it was so worth it. "

by samuwool June 1, 2011