A Fucking Bomb Group Of Dudes With God Like Abilities
Like whoa dude. The Fellas are Charlile Chaplin's Biggest Fear.
fellas mos definitely derives from the Greek word Φιλος(Fel(l)os)=friend,i dont know how it became british slang but this is what it mos definitely is.
you know how the word fellas is used
typical word to describe a gay person, otherwise a faggot.
a person that is not one of the "boys"
a person that always acts like they want to hang out but never shows up
Boy 1: Damn bro, where is Caleb?
Boy 2: Fuck if I know, that dude is a straight fella now.
All you fellas leave your girl with her friends 'cause it's eleven thirty and the club is jumpin, jumpin.