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A man who always is online on discord and loves Gracie! KISS ME SEB, one might say.

KISS ME SEB! yelled uncle pablo

by sebbyalpaca69 December 17, 2017

1👍 1👎


Definition of ALL TALK.

Seb will give all the advice about women but never take their advice because they face fear and are scared of being rejected.

by elonnny November 4, 2023


I person from Georgia with black hair and a very round face. His brain is the size of him PP, in other words VERY SMALL

1:God Seb is a A-hole

1:I totally agree

by Kamikaze937472947391847 April 22, 2020


Weakness: Thinks he's Shit at everything and everything he does but really isn't just to start a conversation. He calls everyone emo and weeb.

Strengths: ...

Seb is a cum slut and a bitch boy

by Big man owen February 20, 2022


Seb is rumored to be the ruler of sex, he can and will vibe check anyone who disagrees

Seb is the ruler of sex, i knew it

by @sebbie.blox October 24, 2019


A ''Seb'' is the type of dude you'd meet at the principles office or beaten up at a pub. Either way, he's gotten himself into some kind of trouble.
He has a massive forehead, that is truly shiny.. So shiny, infact, it outshines times square on a saturday night.
Generally speaking, ''Seb'' is a pretty rare specimen, most often found in ''Seb's Room''
He gets a whole lot of pussy. About once every decade.

Boy 1: Look at that! That is quite a rare specimen. A ''Seb''
Boy 2: *covers eyes* I can't see shit! It's too damn bright.

by Nickdude27 December 11, 2023


Despite his smallest dick, Seb is one of the greatest osu! players of all time.
Nobody can come even close to his level of power.

God damn, I really wish I could be like Seb someday

by Seb14 May 17, 2019