Where a man uses his erect penis to slap his partner's face
I gave her a good tonking
I woke her up with a tonking
Where a man uses his erect penis to slap his partner's face
I gave her a good tonking
I woke her up with a tonking
A creature with crazy tentacles said to be resiling under the Old Folsom River
“The water tonk got my grandfather last year. It was horrifying.”
A skin desiese causing bruising around the neck and hemorrhaging out the back of your neck.
Tonk is a very charming individual who will charm someone to the end but won’t take that next step. Tonks can shape shift into many things including, chickens,witches, and streamers. Tonks like to play baseball. But from all that charming they typically like to say as little as possible to avoid further exhaustion.
Tonk just left the coop to get a 20 count