Though the ultimate causes of WCCDS are unknown, it is believed to result from situations where an individual’s beliefs about the way the world is and ought to be differ significantly from available evidence about the way the world actually is. It is frequently accompanied by inexplicable feelings of persecution and a pronounced tendency toward tribalism. WCCDS is named for its prevalence among conservative members of the majority White-Christian demographic in the United States.
Symptoms of White Conservative Christian Derangement Syndrome include mistrust of foreigners and people of different ethnic backgrounds; mistrust of the United Nations; fourth grade understanding of both world and United State history; little or no understanding of science, yet stubborn need to form opinions about it; inconsistent attitudes concerning the policies of liberal and conservative politicians (e.g. may favor a policy under conservative leadership, yet reject similar policy initiatives under liberal leadership); belief that the Bible is literally true and accurate, and therefore supersedes other types of information; belief that Ayn Rand's science fiction books are serious academic treatments of sociological and economic problems.
"What's the diagnosis Doc?"
"Well, you report feelings of persecution which you link to a 'socialist dictator president'. Is that correct?"
"You believe companies attempting to appeal to broader consumer demographics by saying 'Happy Holidays' rather than 'Merry Christmas' constitutes an attack on your religious values and liberties?"
"The idea of marriage equality represents - in your words - an 'assault on traditional marriage and the constitution'?"
"That's right."
"You believe in a 'politically motivated scientific establishment', that anthropogenic climate change and Darwinian evolution are hoaxes, and that your religious beliefs about the way the world was created should be taught in public science classrooms?"
Doctor removes glasses, looks gravely at patient. "I fear you have contracted White Conservative Christian Derangement Syndrome. At this point, we simply do not have a cure."
Patient breaks into sloppy, stuttered sobbing. "What can I do Doc?"
"At this point, the best I can do is recommend you refrain from watching Fox News, listening to conservative talk radio, and visiting websites like Drudge and WND. Perhaps try visiting your local library, checking out books on science and history. All we can do after that is wait and hope."
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n. See also Penis
n. The monster lurking within a Christian male's pants, waiting to attack his lover's meat wallet or cum dumpster.
n. Term first used on a popular South Florida talk show, by regular caller Archie.
"Dude, I gave her all of my purple headed christian meat missile last night."
"No shit!"
"Yeah, her fuckhole ate it up like she was practicing for a hot dog eating contest."
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Don’t swear on my christian server is when some ugh dont’t let me swear on mu christina server ...person. Swears. On your christian server.
Person: *beeep*
Don’t swear on my christian server :) dont swear in general.
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A funny way of saying that one is sweating profusely. The humor is derived from the fact that kd lang is a dyke, and would no doubt be uncomfortable surrounded by breeder Jesus freaks.
"I'm sweating like kd lang at a Christian Singles dance!" - Lisa Lampanelli (comedienne)
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All the more reason not to trust the person... if the fact that someone is a "born-aginner" even has to be mentioned, then there must be something less-than-honest/honorable that said supposedly-clean-living person has to hide --- "methinks he doth protest too much"!
I have seldom if ever had any more luck with the honesty/integrity/consistency/reliability/kindness of someone about whom I was solemnly assured that, "I'm/he's/she's a Christian, so you can trust me/him/her"... in fact, if anything, these stuck-up Bible-thunpers often seem to be even BIGGER a**h**es than their "non-believer" counterparts! They think that "God will forgive them" for anything they do, and so they make little true effort to keep their word or otherwise treat their fellow humans with even basic decency.
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Losing your virginity by the stereotypical all-American Southern Christian way, i.e. that is with, a cisgender, heterosexual, conventionally attractive girl.
"Did you hear Kumar had a Christian fuck with Samantha?"
Gwapogi, handsome
Christian Dominic is very handsome