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mexican mud slide

when a man takes a pee poop on there partners chest and there partner arches there back so the pee poop slides in to there mouth

brad davis totaly did a mexican mud slide his whore of a fat junt cew mother

by the lunchbox cool June 26, 2009

4πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Alabama mud flap

When a man poop's on a peace of paper, rubs it in well and nice, rinses it of with chocolate milk, freezes it for well over an hour, and finally slaps the shit out of his female partner, or vice versa

hence mud flap

B:Oh Henry did you get chocolate milk.
H:Yes. I did Babara.
B:Well why don't give me an Alabama Mud Flap.
H:Well that sounds delightful.

by winkyface9 December 31, 2011

7πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Ran it through the mud

When you accidentally grab your clothes while wiping your a**.

After taking a dump yesterday, I ran my shirt through the mud. So I had to throw away that shirt. I ran it through the mud.

by onehunglo October 4, 2020

5πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

glass mud table

A glass mud table is a foreplay action upon which one person sits above a glass table, while the other lays underneath it watches the other defecate on the clear surface above them resulting in sexual arousal

Hey babe I've gota go, let's do the glass mud table

by supernut2000 April 6, 2016

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Greasy mud boot

The act of pouring olive oil into a person’s anus and then quickly inserting your foot as far in there as you can.

Karen: β€œLast night Jon gave me a greasy mud boot. It was amazing”
Jen: β€œI wish my man would do that”

by Middle aged middle white male November 14, 2020

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Mississippi mud newt

A Mississippi mud newt is when a man and woman get naked and cover theirselves with baby oil and take turns laying on the bed to get shit on. After you are all good and shiny with shit and baby oil you slide around on each other in a wiggling motion.

We had so much fun doing the Mississippi mud newt

by Evilives November 24, 2014

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Montana Mud Rocket

It's when one has their significant other drink/eat laxatives, and perform anal sex until you feel the pressure, then when you do pull out fast and move. That is how you do the Montana Mud Rocket

"Dude Sally and I performed the Montana Mud Rocket"
"Bro that's gross"

by 406 Weird Man March 27, 2023

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