Child conceived in order for the mother to (a) gain access to subsidised housing; (b) state benefits; and (c) avoid work for life.
1. How do you plead?
2. Your honour, I was a social housing baby
3. Case dismissed!
Having a great understanding of the social implications of sex. Knowing how to make somebody attracted to you means you have a high sexy-social intelligence.
A person with high sexy-social intelligence often has a very healthy sexuality.
Differs from sexual intelligence because it doesn't concentrate about how to have sex, but how to get it.
Jane: Lisa has loads of casual sex, but isn't a total slut!
Isabelle: Yeah, she has high sexy-social intelligence, so she dates loads of attractive decent men, and doesn't get used or degraded.
Mark: My friend Stanley always brings home two chicks when we hang out in bars!
John: How the schuzzbuckler does he manage such feats?
Mark: He has a really high sexy-social intellgence, I guess.
The fucked-up, incredibly corrupt and already convicted social media mouthpiece, third rate excuse,
and utterly failed ideologic America for presidential candidacy.
Let's get up with the whole truth anti-social and get this POS out of office.
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When you don't want to wear a mask so you stay as far as you can from everybody else. You are being anti-social. Hence, anti-social distancing.
Why is he sitting all the way over there by himself? He is anti-social distancing, so he doesn't have to wear a mask.
A point in a conversation or social interaction at which one or more individuals involved start behaving in a distinctly unfamiliar manner or displaying a set of emotions with such an intensity that it weirds out someone else involved.
Yo Steve chill man, no one wanted to eat your strawberries in the first place, quit yelling! This is socially uncharted territory and I will knock your ass out.
An updated version for puppy love. When you fall in love with someone's profile, chats and posts but you've never actually met them in person.
Chad: I wish that Julia wouldn't like so many guys pics cause she knows I love her and she loves me too!
Brad: Dude, you've never met her in person! You're too deep in social media love to think clearly.
Generally some no-talent dickbag who slummed their way into social media without any knowledge of how to use it for anything other than gaining followers for themselves, attending events, and generally whoring themselves out, because they're 22 and don't know how to business.
See also:
social media -
any other horseshit that tries to make them sound important while also being the lowest paid person on staff
"Hi serious client, I'd like to introduce you to our social media guru!"
"Wow, way to throw their credibility directly out the door! I can't wait to work with them!"