the o in lol stands for "or". lol is put in after a weird fb post to tell a group of idiots or an idiot to switch the first numbers of the two options
T: is she fucking with us? lol
C: >:( gr
ged or rreen
Kay... if you're reading this definition, you're probably a grandma/pa who just bought an iPhone 3 for 20 dollars from a 'sweet lad' on the fucking black market, trying to learn the 'lingo' to impress your 7 year old grandchild. If that, is in fact, you, well, LOL stands for 'lots of leopards'.
Grandma (texting): *sends pic of leopards being poached*
Grandson: Wtf grandma? That's fricking depressing!
Grandma: I know, LOL! They're getting grilled!
Grandson: Grandma, what the fuck. That isn't funny, and also I don't want to eat a fucking leopard!
Grandma: Oops, autocorrect turned 'killed' to 'grilled'. And of course it's not funny!
Grandson: Oh, autocorrect. Damn. Anyway, grandma, do you know what 'lol' means?
Grandma: Lots of leopards.
Grandson: What the fu- No! It means 'laughing out loud'! Who told you it meant that?
Grandma: Urban dictionary...
Grandma: Well, fuck. I have to go now, bye.
Grandson: Haha, funny autocorrect gran
Grandma: What?
Grandson: Um, it says 'fuck', wasn't that autocorrect?
Grandma: Oh, no honey, that wasn't autocorrect.
Grandson has changed your contact to 'COOLEST FUCKING OLD WOMAN EVER LIKE OMFG'
A short abbreviation for the online game League of Legends. Almost in every occidental languege it's abreviation it's lol. And in some you can also hear league
Do you wanna play lol tonight?
Means laugh out loud its 2023 how do you STILL not know that word!?!
Emma: I'm sending a funny video!
Jack: LOL that's funny
Emma: I know, right!