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Pakoda nose

When ur nose looks like a pakoda

Harry has pakoda nose

by Pakoda hater July 20, 2018

bop you in the nose with a sea urchin

A popular word used in the North of Dublin to explain the act of hitting someone in the face out of anger


by LIL MARCO December 1, 2016

pinocchio's nose

A sexual act in which you go in a girl soft and slowly get harder and harder as your erection gets longer and longer inside of her

Man #1: "It's hard for me to keep and erection without meds"
Man#2: " Well maybe you should try pulling a pinocchio's nose, then you could get one in the minst of doing the hanky panky"

by foxygranpa April 26, 2015

white nose syndrome

White-nose syndrome (WNS) is a disease that affects hibernating bats and is caused by an invasive, cold-loving fungus (Pseudogymnoascus destructans). The fungus grows on bats' skin, disturbing their hibernation and resulting in dehydration, starvation and often death.

Millions of bats died from White Nose Syndrome.

by mr man the science man April 26, 2023

Cigarette Nose

Someone who smokes a shit load of cigarettes.

“Man, that coworker of mine is a cigarette nose! All he wants to do is take smoke breaks.”

“It’s hard to get anything done with all these cigarette noses

“Larry’s dad is a fuckin cigarette nose”

by Wish bone July 7, 2021

Nose Hair heaven

When your partner cuts your nose hair and then data it while sugning you off

She gave me a nose hair heaven Yesterday

by Mr nose hair February 27, 2023

Brown-Nosed Marsupial

Describes someone who at first appears to be very original or independent, but when it comes down to it actually goes out of their way to kiss up to their boss or superiors.

You know when I first met you, I thought you were cool, but after seeing you sucking up to the boss, I now realize you're just another brown-nosed marsupial

by Spirit-Chickadee December 5, 2010