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Chicago Street Gang 44~2 Consists of Colby ,Meechie ,Shun, Duck, And a host of others yet to be identified

Them Grand Husle Boys Use To Fight every day 44~2=Grand Hustle

by 442 crazy April 27, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Acronym for "Too Sad To Even Process". Typically used in text messages, but is also acceptable in everyday conversation.

Carly: My poor little chihuahua had to go to the vet because some loser from school was stalking me and he stepped on her in my back yard!
Regina: Oh my gosh! 2 STEP!

by CoconutMuffin May 21, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

halo 2

A game Cupcake from CISCO class plays 24/7.

"I'm skipping school for a week to play Halo 2 for 168 hours straight."

by Ruben March 4, 2005

6๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

halo 2

1 An xbox game belived to be the most anticipated game in the history of gaming.

2 Thought to be the most religous icon for geeks on xbox live

1 We waited 7 hours at the EB games for halo 2

2 "Wait, i havn't finished pollishing my halo 2 collecters edition!"

by pieman January 9, 2005

6๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Diablo 2

An Extremely Addictive game that should be burnt, where the Sorceress class can kill anyone via spamming spells such as "Chain Lightning" "Blizzard" or "Ice Orb". A good Diablo2 player would only make any other class to help the SCORCERSS!

A good gamer would burn his or her copy of Diablo2โ€ฆ I know how you feelโ€ฆ

"I just spent 3 hours doing baal runs to level up and i got killed and lost all my exp!!!!"

"Dude you play Diablo2??? Get the hell away from me!"

by Bloodaxe555 July 4, 2005

15๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

Killzone 2

A game that Sony fanboy's won't ever shut the fuck up about. You can typically see these losers on forums drooling over the post-processing effects while suck off each others virtual e-cocks.

The most ironic thing behind all the hype is that, if this game were on 360 also, it wouldn't recieve a fraction of the hype it has today.

Half-Life 2, a 5 year old game, still has gameplay, atmosphere and story that absolutely destroys the utter living shit out of Killzone 2, or any other recent FPS for that matter, including the shitfest Halo.

On top of that, Team Fortress 2, even as a $20 game, still has multiplayer that is 100x more depth than Killzone which costs $60.

So in conclusion, despite all the hype behind Killzone 2, please see that it's nothing special. To prove myself right, I went and made polls on various forums asking this question "If Killzone 2 had N64 graphics, would you still care about the game" and the majority of answers said "No." Proof the game has nothing more than graphics to back it up. Don't believe me? Go to any gaming forum and ask the same thing.

2 reasons why this game is so popular:
A) A PS3 exclusive. The PS3 has been starving for an exclusive FPS playslaves can show off to Xbots on the gaming forums, and it finally has arrived.

B) Pretty good graphics(though Crysis still outdoes it in everyway possible)

Before you hit the little thumbs down icon, let me tell you I don't own a 360 and I own a PS3.

If you can look past the fancy graphics, it's just another tired FPS. I'm not saying it's a bad game, but please, there are so many fucking better games, both old and new.

Like the 2 Star rating on youtube...Killzone 2 is "nothing special"

by spermicidal lube March 19, 2009

27๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gremlins 2

The base unit used to define how much a movie Down syndrome monkey tits


by TaftWasFat December 9, 2016

13๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž