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not true or mean

thats cap u not gay

by riggidy roo December 5, 2022


Hat that has a visor and fits snugly around your head.

I like your cap where did you buy it.
You should put your cap on today it is sunny out.
Have you seen my cap it is missing and I looked everywhere.

by Slipsnip October 6, 2023


when you seem that your lying and somebody thinks thats suspicious and says thats cap

i got a new ps5! Thats cap

by huhgtuoertg February 8, 2023


Meaning flake or bail; standing someone up on previously made plans without notice

Alright bro, we'll burn one later, better not cap on me!

by thealleykatt February 17, 2017


This word basically means "bullshit" or "lies".

Person 1:"Holy shit John said he flew to the moon!"
Person 2:"That's cap"

by jfjrkdjdindksos June 9, 2021


A slang term to say something is fake, or a lie.

"Yesterday i killed a shark!"
-"Thats definitely cap"

by Ilovemochi123 March 14, 2024


Cap is another word for lying. Cap is also a hat.

"Henry has a blue cap"
"Rabbits eating carrots is cap"

by Angry Mustache Man April 18, 2022