Everyone knows a Charlie. And they are always a smart ass. As it is such a common name they feel the need to express themselves by pissing you off in every way possible. He will normally listen to 50 year old music and then complain about new modern music because he is so "cool" and so "quirky." Despite all this they usually come good when you need them.
Person 1:You see that person kicking paraplegic children
Person 2:Yeah he is a right Charlie
A complete fuckboy who will break your heart into pieces and then blame you for everything wrong happening to them
Damn! Charlie went after my best friend after he was done with me! That dick!
Charlie is a guy name. The sweetest guy you could ever meet. You'd be lucky to have him as a friend, and the luckiest person in the world to date him. Once you have him don't let him go. Also, he and a girl named Madison would be a perfect couple. also, Charlie is funny and sweet. if you ever met a Charlie yall need to hang more.
hey madison is your boy named Charlie if not he whold be perfect for you
prsn 1 : hey do yk Charlie?
Massive pp
Kool guy
Very good looking
Gets bitches
David: “Charlie has a very big coc”
Daniel: “ikr and he is super hot”
A bad dog that bites on stuff. Savage dog. Jumps and goes crazy after a bath. Loves to fight and bite
The most amazing perfect boy/man he is a mix of cute hot kind and amazing he also normally will tend to want you to make the first move but if you have him as a boyfriend keep him forever
Girl 1: guess what I’m dating Charlie
Girl 2: no way I wanted to date him!