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walk da doggs

to describe.......a beatdown,sex etc.....

yo, man i stole dude in the jaw and walk the dogs on his punk ass

by church hill bruh December 30, 2004

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walk it over

An expression to define the method of bringing something to me

You owe me $20, walk it over

by SimoJag March 4, 2012

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walk of lame

the walk in the morning after, back to the place you left your car because you drove to the party sober and left drunk. it is lame because if your college campus is really big, the hungover walk is really lame

Friend: "It's really cold tonight, do you want to drive?"
You: "Sure"
Friend: "143!"

*next day, walking in the cold morning back to get your car*

You: wow... I'm doing the walk of lame

by Jmizzle and MZing March 4, 2011

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suicide walk

When a male or female is under the process of masturbation and they call their parents in and try to finish before their parents come in.

Dude last night I tried the suicide walk and I failed.

by Johnnyyyyy Depppp January 28, 2016

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I'm walking on sunshine

to be super high.

Dude: i'm soo stoned man
Guy: i know man i'm walking on sunshine
Dude: nice

by i have a computer September 3, 2011

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Taking the dog for a walk

A person, getting out their penis, and normally proceeding to engage in a sexual act or masturbation.
Commonly given as an excuse to leave and masturbate.

Oh, Jeff is taking the dog for a walk tomorrow with Oliver
I'll be back in 5 minutes, just taking the dog for a walk

by Mayonnaise gurgler March 10, 2017

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walk like Gumby

to be fucked so much that you walk with your legs spread.

Customer: Excuse me, sir, where is the peanut butter?

Crazy Tommy: Holy Fuck, Lady! You walk like Gumby.

by sextoaster December 17, 2004

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