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Internet Grave-robbing

When you decide to spend a day devoted to going onto old websites you used to use to delete all posts, updates, friends, and accounts.

You may decide to Internet Grave-rob because you are sick of that site, you have moved onto something else, or you don't want what you wrote years ago to come back to bite you in the butt.

Common feelings during IGR-ing are feelings of nostalgia, maybe happiness, depression, or laughing at how much of a general moron you used to be. All of these add to the reason why you should delete that crap.

I never use Myspace anymore, so I decided to IGR (Internet Grave-rob) it. It was quite rewarding.

Hey I'm bored, come over my house and we can go internet grave-robbing!

by PumaMania31 December 18, 2010

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Internet hustler

a person who acts really tough and talks mad crap on the computer (facebook,Aim,OOVOO) but when conronted in person trys to play it off and act as if they did nothing wrng for fear of being beat up for what they said

*ON Facebook*
Justin: I will fight anybody who thinks though enough to take me on.

Nathan: Even me?
Justin:I would fuck u up!
Nathan: OK we'll see

*Next day*
Nathan confronts Justin and trys to fight him.
And Justin pussies out.He says he was just kidding.

Justin was clearly only being an Internet Hustler.........and a pussy

by 2good4uMCC January 8, 2012

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internet all caps

Modern day term for shouting.

You don't need to go all internet all caps to get your point across. If your logic is sound your point stands on it's merits, not the volume of your voice.

by testicles...that is all September 2, 2021

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internet killed tv

A well known youtube couple named Charles and Alli Trippy along with their dogs, Zoe and Marley. They can also be called CTFxC (charles trippy friend core).

I keep wanting to watch some more internet killed tv videos!

by snapcraclepop January 27, 2013

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The General Internet Axiom

The General Internet Axiom: "It all leads back to porn in the end."

Example: "I thought I was reading this news blog, but all of a sudden I read something about a stripper that got arrested, and how she just put out a movie. I guess The General Internet Axiom is true."

by PhoenixWitch April 7, 2010

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internet cam whores

It's just like a net business meeting but with hot nekkid chicks who do what you type to em.

USB web cam; 30 dollars.
Dildo; 50 dollars.
Internet Cam Whores; priceless.

by Bob February 21, 2005

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Do I internet?

This is the common phrase used to answer many different questions, it's an obvious yes for general internet users.

Geekz, geeze.

Girl: Have you seen pirates?
Guy: Do I internet?
Girl: Duh.

by callmehcrazeh101 August 22, 2006

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