One who knows about the latest restaurant in town and has basic knowledge of it's menu selection. They brag about the newest restaurants and the latest apps. These 'foodies' also tend to have the latest app that tells them about the latest restaurant. Typically they're overweight and use overpriced restaurant entrees to temporarily quell their inadequacies and loneliness.
Michelle: Have you been to Johnny Cocks yet??
You: Um, nah..I dont really know where that is.
Michelle: OMG, you HAVE to go! That place is amazing! They serve a dish called 'shit on a shingle' and it's revolutionary
You: Ok, sounds good I guess...but I'm saving my money for some new running shoes. I'm not really a Food Nerd so I guess I'm not hip to those new places that last a few months.
Michelle: Oh.
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Medical Nerd Syndrome or MNS for short is a disorder in which a person has an interest or an obcession with medical equipment, medical terms, and medications. The study of medical based stuff is kind of what this is all about here. MNS is caused by being around lots of medical stuff for example a person who was raised around lots of monitoring equipment may have an interest in the equipment. MNS has three types. Type I being the most severe. Type III is the least severe in which its just a minor interest, and maybe studying a little bit, because of a minor interest. Type II is when a patient maybe is so interested they own some medical equipment Type I is the MOST SEVERE. Its where the person has a SEVERE SEVERE obcession with machines, and medical based stuff. MNS should be controled because if its not, the patient can get severe, and they can develop a very very very severe OBCESSION in which they actually have psychological issues. MNS is most common around children who have terminal ilnesses and who have to live their life around machines, and all that stuff.
1. The patient with MNS was looking on ebay to try to find some nice pulse oximeters. Medical Nerd Syndrome effected the person who lived life with a father who was a respiratory therapist.
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One who plays Halo 3 on Xbox Live so much they feel the need to have sex with their Xbox 360 console. Though the majority of the group are cocky, horny 12 year olds, another great majority are people you interact with every day.
Man that kid's got 25 kills... What a fuckin' Halo 3 Nerd!
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Star Trek Nerd, a normal person who enjoys the show. Is not always a virgin. Is not always middle aged, unattractive, or still living at home. Often is a regular member of society with an interest in social change.
Matt Damon is going to be Captain Kirk in the new Star Trek Movie, he's such a Star Trek nerd!
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any entertainment out there that is nutriouslly deprived of factual information. It is usually out dated entertainment from a time long gone.. usually old corny, TV shows, movies, comic books, pulp fiction novels or old video games.. with sci-fi fantasy, westerns, crime, comedy, and action adventure. usually long forgottened (by the mainstream media) forsept people who are historians or totally nerds of fanatics of sometimes well known stuff like star wars star treky or super man or spider man, that is usually cult material..
It is usually seeing the relationship of similarity of creatures and land scapes of well known entertainments that have sub-chartures that are easly forgotten. stuff writers and artist steal from each other easly with out being sued for infringement.
Geek says: man did you see that artical on were that monster on star trek came from it came from that 1920s silent film that has been lost. I wish I could have found that copy of that silent film..
Nerd says back: man that is compleat nerd porn you sould get a girl friend man.
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Activities or hobbies done by a nerd so that they will seem less nerdy to other people.
Play on words from Carbon Offset Credit.
Jim - "So I just started taking salsa dance lessons."
Sam - "Oh, trying to get some nerd offset credits?"
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Nerd day is essentially when you have a day where you basically speed run all the work you didn't do over a entire week or few to make up for not doing it before
Person 1: I can't believe I spent all day breathing air and existing, tomorrow I am going to have to do a nerd dayโข for all the work I missed
Person 2: I don't give a shit, I am dying
Person 3:Hi dying, I am dad