Source Code

1665.65 m/s

The velocity required to cock a chicken

Rob: ”Wow you smashed that chicken at 1665.65 m/s”
Chad: ”Yeah, that boy ready to be eaten

by Erik aka Cp February 21, 2019

B + M

A match made in the heavens but the guy won’t take a hint

Omg B + M all the wayyyy”

“Your so right

by gottaluvB December 17, 2021

(u)Mm h(u)m

Affirmative grunt, agreeance; acceptance, something yummy or tasty.
A moan of delight.

Friend: "Hey, do you like that apple pie?"
You: " (u)Mm h(u)m!"

by Psyckofish June 4, 2019


(v.) - to do many things at once, such as talk on your cellphone, work on your computer, watch TV, listen to the stereo, etc., also known by its longer form of "multi-tasking"

"With my new iPhone and E-reader, I can be involved with m-tasking all day long, and I love it!"

-- overhead at a watercool in San Francisco

by PRwiz101 August 30, 2009

Elise M(shorty)

Someone who is weird and funny, loves dogs. She doesn’t care who her friends are just as long as they make her happy and she makes them happy ( people are always happy around her ). For some weird reason she always thinks there is something wrong with her like her forehead or she thinks that she is “fat” but really isn’t. She’s always outside walking her dogs in the snow or any other activity involved with outside. Also the best person to make you smile on a rainy day.

The definition of Elise M(shorty) basically to sum is a person who owes dogs and will make you smile.

by BEARCAKES November 14, 2018

C h e c k m o b b

A washington gang that was made by teenagers that’s now on the map

Ayee yoo!!! did you hear the news? C h e c k m o b b is throwing a party tonight in the city.

by Høødmøbb OGs September 14, 2020

q a z p l m

when your more bored than a dead dead man so you think, I’ve done qazplm, but what if I do it with spaces!?


by Howdoidothis August 5, 2022