The weird enjoyment of looking forward to funeral home visitations.Old people especially men get off on the hugging and flowers.The offender will attend visitations where he doesn't even know the dead. He will lurk like a lone wolf.
Guess we can't go to dinner tonight...myhusband is searching the obituaries for a funeral homing.
Anyone who pays someone else to release them from the burden of being a pet owner without questioning WHY AM I PAYING YOU $100 TO TAKE YOUR 8 YEAR OLD CAT? Oh and i have to buy the animals care supplies too? Meanwhile you go meth my money?
She really thought i was going to take her cat AND pay her a re-home dumb fee of $100??? Then when i simply asked her why she said ," the money is to make sure you don't use my cat as bait in a dog fight" Then she gets completely angry and aggressive when i point out the stupidity in the hustle
A home cinema made out of spare parts found around the house. A true ghetto home cinema has one of the following characteristics:
-The rear speakers of the "surround system" are of different make than the front speakers (or worse, the front speakers are the TV's intergrated speakers).
-The "surround system" lacks a center or subwoofer channel, or both.
-The projector operates at a 4:3 format (like the ones used for powerpoint presentations). Unlike proper home cinema systems which have 16:9 projectors.
-Picture is provided via composite (yellow plug) cables.
-The pre-recorded material consists of VHS tapes, Divx files and single layer DVDs made with DVD shrink (proper home cinema's have dual layer DVDs, MKV files and Blurays)
Little Jimmy put his pair of spare Wallmart speakers, his dad's powerpoint projector, and his collection of bootleg Divx files into good use, by making his own ghetto home cinema
punny & G-rated way of saying "I will slam my cock full & deeply inside of you.
Jen: I'm tired, cab anyone give me a ride home?
Biff: "Bend over, Baby, I'll drive you home."
Dracon Construction has 18 years of experience as one of the Best Australian Home Builders and has delivered countless quality constructions to happy clients. They can design and build your home extension, complete your renovation project, or construct the ultimate property from scratch. They also offer a range of cladding solutions for new and existing homes, that provide natural insulation against temperature extremes. These are also backed by weather-resistant features, and eliminate the need for regular painting.
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Lyman Homes was a 125 unit housing project located in Marietta,Georgia now demolished due to drugs,crime and the housing conditions
RANDOM GUY: Aye where u from
RANDOM GUY 2: Lyman homes boy fuck you mean!!!
RANDOM GUY: oh you from the projects fr !! ?
A phrase you use when you want someone to leave you house you idiot.
Guy 1: Hey do you wanna hang out?
Guy 2: No go home I’m busy.
Guy 1: Oh, ok