Source Code

Ninja Waffle

A waffle that is a ninja.
Also the name of a pet on WoW.

A Proper Noun or noun or adjective or verb.

Mmm... Ninja Waffle

OMG your pet spider, Ninja Waffle is so hot!

Don't be such a ninja waffle!

by Attiria February 28, 2011

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Bunny Ninja

A bunny with rabies and who thinks she is the most violent ninja in the universe. To attack, she will leap into the air, much like a frog, and karate chop you.

Abhi: Don't scream, it's just the Bunny Ninja. oh wait...

by COWWIEWISDOM March 17, 2013

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Ninja Refill

When you are at a restaurant and have a drink that the waiter asks to refill. You say no. Thirty seconds later, your drink is full and you have no idea what happened.

Waiter: Would you like more coke?

You No thank you I'm fine.

Waiter: okay...

***30 seconds pass***
You go to take a sip and your cup is full.

You:....What the...wow...Ninja refill

by ianjker October 10, 2010

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Horny Ninja

1. What you get when you sing "I'm a hoodie ninja in a fast asian accent.

2. A ninja who is horny.

1. Jennifer: "I'm a ninja. I'm a horny ninja!" Samantha: "Did you say horny ninja???"

Jennifer: "No, I said I'm a hoodie ninja. I just said it in a fast asian accent."
Samantha: "Ohhh."

2. Ted is gonna beat me with his naked num chuck, because he is a horny ninja.

by Mrs. Candy January 1, 2012

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Ninja Queef

When you queef, ninja stars are protected out of your vagina killing everything in immediate sight.

Holy fuck, I just killed Charlie Sheen with my Ninja Queef.

by Legendaryurbanchirps June 22, 2011

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ninja looted

when some one takes way more than they need.

guy1: wow i said he could have a cigarette and he ninja looted half my pack

by b4113r March 26, 2009

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Ninja Fucking

To fornicate a person, or being, without them knowing or noticing; Also slang for succesfully using the "date rape drug"

Example 1
Ninja Fucker: "That blind girl had a nice rack last night huh"

Random guy: "Word."

Ninja Fucker: "I ninja fucked the shit out of here"

Example 2

Girl 1: "Don't go to any parties at Will's house'

Girl 2: "Why not?"

Girl 1: "I heard Amanda got straight ninja fucked over there"

Example 3

Smoov-e: "I'm a Ninja Fucking master"

by DroBot January 13, 2011

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