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gay oldman

1) When you want to search about Gary Oldman in google and forgot the "r".

2) The other way round

My friend checks my computer browsing history.
Friend: (shocked) You searched for gay oldman?

Me: Woa Woa not so loud! I meant to type Gary Oldman. Chill bro.

Victims of typing illiteracy, I am sorry for you. Type wisely next time.

by kdrng June 5, 2016

crossfit gay

When you’re gay and you have to constantly tell everyone about it. Much like people who do CrossFit

Yo, my friend Miranda is CrossFit gay. No one asked, but she just has to keep telling us.

by CisJg April 2, 2022

puréed gays

puréed gays are a rare species of human -- usually females -- that are obsessed with being gay, and logs (yes logs, like wood). puréed gays come in cults, and can get verbally violent if tampered with.

"have you seen those girls in our class? they're such puréed gays!"
violet, margo, alana, ava, josie, and mia are puréed gays! we better watch out."

by daughterofmrincredible January 23, 2021

Gay Cow

a gay person that acts like a cow
(Aka Philip and Miller)

Miller and Philip are Gay Cows.

by yfucsgvcsagh January 11, 2019

the universe gay

The most devastating ur mom gay. You cant say no u. All you can do, is die a sad life.

Bastard: ur granny tranny
You, an intellectual: the universe gay

by Bleach Bottle January 23, 2019

gay feen

Term used in Ireland to describe a homosexual male.

"That's my friend Rory Bawden he's a gay feen"

by rickeylovescoke69 October 31, 2020

Zachs gay

Usually when you spend a lot of time with Zachary Patry he will try and do anal with you but most are safe unless your names liam randell

hey liam Im pretty sure zachs gay becasue didnt he have anal sex with you in a tent after having the coffee shits and not wiping his ass

by connels a fag January 26, 2022