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United States

Another way to call Mexico. Due to its official name is Mexican United States.

-Where are you from?
-I am from United States!
-Oh, USA?
-No, Mexican United States

by Mr.Chilo July 12, 2022

united states

see @your daddy

the rest of the world hates the united states until it's time to defend itself, gain some culture (literally all current music, movies, etc.), make a strong government, or invent something cool (hmmm, planes, cars, the internet, computers, phones, etc.). go ahead, eurotrash, wear your dumb yankees hat thinking it's a "cool american" icon, totally unaware of the fact that it's actually a major sports team here and not just some fashion icon to make you look hip and daddy-approved.

by turdsandwichapprovedbymother September 17, 2023

United States

Known as America for short, it is a toxic country due to it having the most money, but Americans have shorter and sicker lives compared to its competitors i.e. Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Germany, UK, Canada, France, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand.

Sorry but, with a taste of my brain I'm on a ride, you're toxic, I'm slipping under. Did you know that your toxic Mr United States?

Credit to: Britney Spears

by Power476 September 14, 2020

United States

The most powerful country anyone can think of. Its economy is massive, it military budget is outrages, and the capital is Washington D.C. Was givin independence in July 4, 1776 by the British. At first, it was pretty small only having the 13 original colonies with Michigan, but then they got Louisiana from France and decided to manifest destiny across the continent (All they was killing the Natives and kicking out the Mexicans). The South was getting rowdy and their smallass brains thought it was a good idea to expand their territory and spread the idea of slavery. Unfortunately for them, the US said "nope" and fucking beat the shit out of the south. They bought Alaska from the Russian Empire (they regretted it) and they "annexed" Hawaii. They fought in a world war, an economic crisis happened, a giant cloud of dust came and went, fought in another world war, bombed a country, hated a country that is the opposite of the US, it collapsed, has 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 nukes, and a lot of crap that is amazing.

I live in the United States because it's awesome.

by Klojhgfcvbn March 21, 2022

The State

A gang of thieves writ large

“Give me an arbitrarily determined percentage of your wealth or I’ll put you in a cage

“But that’s extortion!”

“That’s okay, I work for the State”

by DefinerofWords79 June 16, 2020

The State

You don't got the balls to do it without the state giving you permission and for them to do that I need to give the state permission.

Hym "Not all that deep actually. All I see is a media apparatus backed by the state shielding a charlatan from exposure so they can sell their incest cult to retards."

by Hym Iam April 22, 2024

Michigan State Shot

Describes the method of doing any mixed liquor shot. The first person to offer another to do a " michigan state " shot is to buy one mixed shot. Drink the whole shot but does not swallow. Carefully allow the person who accepted the proposal to do a "Michigan state shot" to drink half the shot via a mouth to mouth method. Both swallow their respective halves. Shot is finished.

Gentleman gets introduced to an attractive girl at bar.
Gentleman: would u like to do a Michigan state shot?
Attractive Lady with healthy teeth & no evidence of bad breath: what's is that? Sure.. Whatever...
Gentleman: I'll show u. But u have to trust me!
Lady: ok!!

Gentleman buys one mixed shot. Drinks but not swallow shot. Gently embrace the lady's neck for a mouth to mouth shot exchange. (Pause at this moment for any signs of resistance, if so, cancel and disengage). An intersted Lady would accepts the gesture and lean forward to embraces his shot-serving mouth. (Gentleman must make this as comfortable as possible without any over-powering or imposing positions). Shots are exchanged like birds feeding offspring. No kissing.

Gentleman: casually and not sensually. How was that??

Lady: hmmm . Good.
Gentleman: my name is Sparty. nice to meet you.

by Sparty311 April 30, 2013