An obscuring of the light due to one larger virgin, obstructing the passage of light shone by a smaller virgin and the original source of virgin illumination
Far out, Adham just walked in front of Bonar.
"That's a virgin eclipse"
A virgin mobile or mobile virgin is an otherwise experienced girl or woman in there late twenties or older who prefers to act innocent as though she were a virgin. This person goes around to different boys or men in order to have sex acting as if she were innocent in order to get laid, when in fact they have monster body counts. She is usually asked to leave either before or after intercourse when the male in question determines if it is a person worthy of their time. This female usually bounces around between guys and has trouble finding a boyfriend or man to be loyal too because they are stuck acting as if they are in their late teens or early twenties when in fact they are considered to be old or are now insecure in their age. Typically a female who has yet to have had a child.
Adam: She's had 20 guys in three months, she's a virgin mobile.
Aid: Oh yea. Who?
Adam: Me, you, that guy Al, the guy over there Mr. Pin, the guy down the street O Yeller, the other one up the block I forgot their name and the guys in that house, and a certain someone's roommates.
Past Tense: Virgined; past participle: Scratched
1. A past tense description of one who has lost their virginity.
2. A person who has been tainted and tattered by a poor experience.
Hey did you know Jimmy was virgined the other day? Ya, he had to pay for it.
That dude got so virgined when he got hit by that truck, it was only his first time!
The Greatest Kind of person.
he will accept you and give you anything you ask for.
Respect him and
"Did you see Carl? Yeah, He's Totally a Speci Bubo Virgin
Someone who has never listened to Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of The Moon from beginning to end in one sitting.
Guy : I lost my Dark Side virginity this weekend!
Guy 2: Congrats!
Something that is widely known as infinitely true and cannot be argued against. The epitomy of truth.
That is so true it must be burned onto a virgin's chest!
A human, who does not lie about not drinking alcohol, not consuming drugs, and doesn't fornicate with street trash and peasantry before marriage with commons street urchins.
I always assumed to gain a princess like Paige Bueckers, one had to commit to being a sober virgin abstinent.