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ninja looted

when some one takes way more than they need.

guy1: wow i said he could have a cigarette and he ninja looted half my pack

by b4113r March 26, 2009

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Ninja Driving

driving at night without one's lights on. sluts often use this when trying to sneak home.

"my parents are in bed, good thing I mastered ninja driving."

by freetogettfried March 17, 2010

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Ninja Test

A tough and difficult challenge that involves personal risk and you need to be skillful to complete it.
Often entails suffering a degree of pain.

The scene: A shear crag with rocks and the sea below.

Dave: Come on Peter lets go scuba diving down there.

Peter: Are you crazy? We'd need mountain gear to climb down plus all the that scuba gear weighs a ton.

Dave: No we don't man, it'd be a true ninja test for us!

by Groove Rider October 15, 2008

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Ninja Cum

Ninja Cum (verb) is the wholesome act opon which a man sneaks behinde a unknowing victim (usually female) to simulate the characteristics of a ninja. Than proceeds to ejaculate over the unknowing victim,

then vanish to avoid atention of the victim to the next target.


Guy1: "Dude, you should totally ninja cum that chick over there!"

Guy2: **Sneaks to unknowing victim then ejaculates all over her then get away without being noticed**

Her: "Like OMG WTF, Who just cummed all over meeee!"

by TheRealEnglishMan May 29, 2019

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When one has consumed copious amounts of jager & feels compelled to show his ninja skills to the entire female population, when in fact he clearly looks like a complete tit!

JAGER-NINJA Your average alcohol fueled town idiot, hood rat, hooligan, retard. Often sporting a fred perry polo shirt, colour of choice - Pink

by JAGERNINJA May 6, 2010

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Facebook Ninja

One who has a Facebook Account, adds nearly anyone who makes a friend request, only checks or updates their account with information sparingly and then disappears again for an extended period of time.

Bob uses his Facebook Account like a one night stand, he hits it and runs. He is a Facebook Ninja.

by dyslexicanaboko July 2, 2011

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Ninja Tengu

Much like a tengu knight except much more powerful and drawn better.

Morgannus is a ninja tengu

by DesPERRYado February 13, 2005

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