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lesbians love luke club

'club' formed on tumblr when the luke mullen lovers realized they were all lesbians

they lesbians love luke club is healthy proof that you don't have to be a thirsty creep over someone to love and appreciate them

by bambikippen May 14, 2019

Lesbian Until Graduation LUG

someone who for whatever personal/logistical reasons decides to be a lesbian until graduation. the seriousness of this can range from officially identifying as a lesbian (possibly accompanied by an elaborate coming out process) to avoidance of the offical term and simply fucking around with girls. rather like cinderella after midnight, these are the girls who revert back to the male half of the species after leaving the college bubble. a very common occurance at women's colleges. also has a counter-part in the term bi until graduation (BUG). most frequently used on womens college's campuses, the term may also be used as an insult or warning and is oftentimes by other women who have more romantic or sexual experience with other women (AKA lesbians/bi chicks who have come to terms with their sexuality earlier on and are talking about the chicks who're just now starting to explore).

suzy: wow....sarah's look rather hott. do you know which way she's swingin these days?

makenna: yeah, she finally broke down. about time too, after making out with the whole smith rugby team and STILL insiting she was straight. i'd watch out though, i'll bet you a quarter she turns out to be a Lesbian Until Graduation LUG .

suzy: sweet, nice to know. i think i'll ask her out for the next ani difranco/bitch & animal/alix olson show...

makenna: careful, i'll bet she also hasn't taken lesbian 101

by prosody August 20, 2006

98πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

golden retriever masc lesbian

a masculine lesbian who IS actually happy and smiles around the people who she loves. she will always be happy and optimistic. probably a hufflepuff and an enfp/estp. pls treat them well

person 1: β€œwhat do you call a happy masc lesbian who actually shows emotion?”

person 2: β€œoh, you mean a golden retriever masc lesbian!”

by rexistan March 1, 2022

65πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Gold star lesbian

In case you don’t know, a gold star lesbian is a lesbian who does not discriminate against other wlw

Are you a gold star lesbian?

by smoltresbien March 11, 2020

30πŸ‘ 185πŸ‘Ž

princes dina cub lesbian

a girl from 7E who can NOT shut her moth

princes: heheheheh hi gius i lov u les marry and hav 12 kids
me: stop being such a princes dina cub lesbian

by uncleyesa January 16, 2019

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Non-binary Lesbian Male

Non Binary Lesbian Male is a human that isn’t bisexual. Enjoys to be around & socialize with women and talking about feelings and such. When it come to sexual relations or sexual intercourse prefers to do the lesbian butch role.

Born as a male and prefers to stay male so he can still do manly man things like lifting heavy objects fixing things around the house, open stuck jar lids and going to the bar and try to hook up with girls. Also Making 25% more in wages for the same job that a woman can do.

Jeremy Lage β€œJake” Is the first Non-Binary Lesbian Male born 03/28/1980

by DrFuck December 16, 2022

25πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

gay transgender lesbian

Someone that is gay while still liking a girl/boy but wants to switch genders so when they ask what is your gender you can say 17 so that they get that you want to have sex on the roof of your house while being recorded with instagram live

Guy1; Hey you gay transgender lesbian
Guy2: ya fku

by milomuhlohamynack October 12, 2017

9πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž