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Raghavi V

Raghavi V is a kind, caring soul who works at the intersection of cultural rights and international law. A Raghavi V engages in musical activities, participates in community events, is a hard worker, and practices self-reflexivity. A Raghavi V enjoys comedy and gossip.

Hey, it's a Raghavi V's birthday!

Oh wow, she read through multiple iterations of drafts for your blogposts and your PhD submissions, one week before the deadline? What a Raghavi V!

She remembered the ink colour you wanted and purchased it for your birthday? What a Raghavi V!

by raot November 24, 2021


The pharmaceutical drug Vyvanse. Mainly used in reference to taking the drug (riding the V-train) It is used to treat ADHD and overeating disorders. Also known as V’s, lisdexamfetamime (chemical name) or speed.

It is similar to Adderall except Vyvanse has a lysine group attached to the amphetamine so it is activated by the GI tract. This is to prevent college kids from snorting the powder.

Effects come on after 45-90 minutes and peak at about 2-3 hours. Effects include increased energy, euphoria, motivation and increased cognitive function.

Side effects include

-Music sounding awesome
-Talking constantly
-Doing all your homework in 30 minutes
-Masturbating like 5 fucking times a day
-Feeling really fucking sexy

-Realizing it’s been like 30 minutes since you beat your dick
-Immediately becoming super funny
-Having to explain to your family that it’s different that meth because it’s from a doctor.

Eventually the V-train comes to a stop and redosing or taking a lot causes a rapid tolerance increase. It is best to use as prescribed and build a tolerance so you can concentrate without transcending (as fun as that may be).

Me: Hey did you get the homework done for today? I seriously couldn’t get it all done if I tried.
Friend: Hell yeah man, I hopped on the V-train and did it all in like 45 minutes.

2. Prostitute: Okay, I know you paid me for the whole night but can we take like a 30 minute break? You have fucked me like 6 times already and I’m sore.
Me: Nah, I’m on the V-train. Here it comes into the tunnel CHOO CHOO BITCH!

by danasp_42 February 3, 2020


Having sex with two people but those people don't have sex with eachother, you can visualise it like a diagram two nodes pointing at one node. This is a dumb definition

Frank - "Bro I colabed with John to have a V-some with Samantha"

Tim - "Bro shut up"

by Mossy boi March 26, 2024


anicka + vojtech - the best ship in the world

do you know who is a+v?
oh yes that's the best ship!

by cum 123 November 19, 2021


voicemail ring phone rejected short ring

I tried calling your brother, but I got V-rolled. It rang once and went straight to voicemail.

by Buck Conway December 21, 2019


A very successful person in life who likes sports and does music here and there

Have you heard of my boy V-day

by Are u serious my brother April 8, 2022


stick bugged

A friend of mine sent me this link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC7oUOUEEi4
I won't forgive him after this.

by guy on urbandictionary September 13, 2021