Source Code

Our World of Text

Our World of Text, often shortened as "OWOT" is an infinite grid of text editable by any visitor. The changes made by other people appear on your screen as they happen. Everyone starts in the same place, but you can scroll through the world using your mouse. Fictional googologists often flock to this site to post their "very amazing and insightful" content.

A: "Our World of Text is full of very smart people (joke)"
B: "You're right"
A: "Let's hop on *another world than mainpage*"
B: "Good idea"

by Hyperbeam User December 21, 2023

text torture

Purposefully waiting a long time to text someone back in order to increase anticipation and drama, especially if someone just asked you out or expressed feelings for you

Amy: I’m not sure what to do. Adam texted that he’s into me, but I also like Blake and Juan.

Lola: Just text torture him until you figure out whether you want to hook up with him or not.

by builtforspeed July 26, 2018

Text Back

The act of texting someone back, nearly impossible to be done by a female.

I got a text back

by Kitolada June 1, 2021

Text insecurity

When you text someone with a heightened anticipation for a quick response.

I texted you to see if my phone was working, cause "DUDE" ain't hitting me back. I waited like a whole 5 minutes.

Yo! You got that text insecurity. They probably just busy, chill out!

by HonkeyDonkeyDoo January 10, 2021

Text insecurities

When you text someone that doesn't respond as fast as you would like.

I texted you to see if my phone is working. I gave "dude" like a Whole 2 minutes to respond.

Yo... They might be busy. Don't give in to your text insecurities. Relax!

by HonkeyDonkeyDoo January 10, 2021

Cross Texting

The act of texting someone on multiple social media sites in the same moment. Leaving them confused or irritated most of the time.

Billy: Yo, why the hell did you text me on snap, instagram and facebook all at the same time? We just got done texting on insta.

Jimothy: Sorry for the Cross Texting. I thought I could get your attention by that quicker.

Example 2:
*George has a conversation with Walter on snapchat, as soon as they stop talking, George sends Walter memes on Instagram, George checks facebook and sees messages from Walter from over an hour ago, deciding to answer him there now.*

Walter: Can you stop Cross Texting me all the damn time!

George: Sorry, I do it religiously.

by v1ruzes December 9, 2023

Text Blogging

The act of sending unsolicited texts that are not answering a question, making a request, have an obvious response, any response would seem pointless, or are otherwise considered pointless by the recipient. These are texts that serve no two-way-communication-purpose and seem to be just informing you of something that requires no further action or response.

Texter 1: I'm eating breakfast.
Texter 2: man, quit text blogging me
Texter 1: I just wanted to say I'm eating breakfast.
Texter 2: Good for you.

by catsgotmytongue May 27, 2011