A christian man with blonde hair and blue eyes who is so emo and loves his guitar so much his dick gets hard.
Bro that man is so godly he is sugar gay.
Term used to describe a gay man that is very attractive to other men just for his physical self.
A gay man with girlish attributes that make him hot like a girl without being a drag queen or transgender.
A bottom that is attractive to many tops.
Example 1: Have you seen Cazwell's "Candy shop" music video? It's full of gay babes.
Example 2: Have you met David Allegre?
The twink with long blonde hair and surfer body?
Yeah, he's a total gay babe.
The 'gay drop' is a conversational device to subtly out yourself as a person on the LGBTQAI party bus. It is often used to gauge whether the person on the receiving end of the 'gay drop' is also family by opening the door for them to safely disclose their identity. For example, in conversation about vacation goals, while on the elevator with a colleague, who I thought might be gay, I said I wanted to visit Montreal in August because I heard they had an incredible gay pride parade.
In conversations with cis and heterosexual people, it can be a way to out yourself without making queer identities something that requires a big unveiling.
"What you have to do, maybe the second time you hang out, is casually work in the gay drop, so you can see how she responds."
When a singer in your band makes hoos and ahhs that doesn't harmonize with the rest of the band.
Did you hear that crap he was gay ghosting the hell out of that song.
To look at something from a gay person's point of view.
Wife: "I saw you staring at that woman."
Husband: "I wasn't staring, I had my gay goggles on. Did you see how bad her makeup was?"
A panicked gay means a guy who is too scared to admit that he’s a gay.
“Hey are you gay”
“What?! No!!!”
Panicked gay.