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Gay Quarters

When two or more guys lather themselves in baby oil and get into a bed in a dark room and scatter quarters throughout the sheets and roll around and wrestle with eachother while trying to collect the most quarters. Whoever collects the most gets to keep all the quarters!

Dude I was smashed last night at that party, I think I even ended up playing gay quarters with the wrestling team!

by D.H. Beckingham January 14, 2012

Gay Inception

When a man, who is supposedly gay, is secretly straight and uses his gay cover to get close to girls and then pounces with heterosexuality. Some times called "Closet straight." Called gay inception because it is somewhat confusing, like the 2010 movie.

Jake- "Dude did you hear? Tim used the gay inception move on Jenny and he totally scored."

Matt- "Damn. I have to try that sometime."

by Phat Boii February 4, 2011

Share gay

When a guy wants to share ALL his gayness...

Aedan: “Did you hear about Alex? He was being a real share gay.”
Courtney: “Leave it to him, he just wants the D.”

by BLACKONBLACKNCT2018 April 22, 2019

Gay Valve

A homosexual man's anus

Hey Kyle get your Gay Valve down here.

by dumbitchhill June 19, 2009

gay ghosting

When a singer in your band makes hoos and ahhs that doesn't harmonize with the rest of the band.

Did you hear that crap he was gay ghosting the hell out of that song.

by doughnuthole November 10, 2015

Panicked Gay

A panicked gay means a guy who is too scared to admit that he’s a gay.

“Hey are you gay
“What?! No!!!”
Panicked gay.

by hiimsad April 2, 2019

gay goggles

To look at something from a gay person's point of view.

Wife: "I saw you staring at that woman."

Husband: "I wasn't staring, I had my gay goggles on. Did you see how bad her makeup was?"

by jarrhead May 14, 2011