A useless creature who is incapable of drawing circles.
A species that comes in many forms, the top following are; furies, thirst traps, pedophiles, wannabees, racism, sexism, lgbtq's +, mothers, hornys, perverts, etc. These creatures can be horrible at times, some are good and others are disturbing and questionable. Some are what humans call bitches. Always remember kids :) humans are awful creatures and you might become human in the future.
An example is: Those gay ass humans -that tried to use your hose as a shower because theres broke, after having a party for her dogs baby reveal- is getting arrested for trying to kidnap someone because they looked like their waifu.
The species that everyone hates.
Person 1: Ay did you see that murderer on the news
Person 2: Yeah, humans amirite
A human is a dumber version of a monkey that causes harm to all life forms including their own species. Humans destroy their home, named 'Earth' because of the need of slight convenience in their lives.
"I fucking hate humans" -Earth
At the end of the day, both groups of you are the human race, the only race there is, and the only race that should ever get called a race, but realistically they're not your people and you're not theirs. That's where the hard part of getting along comes in, especially when you're both right about something (or someone). Or when you're both wrong about something (or someone).