Tom Holland is very very very very very very very very very very very very very bloody sexy
Do you understand the words of caty
A term used my your mother to tell you that you can't say that you silly billy.
*starts singing snoop dog*
You can't say that. That's a naughty word
Healing oneself by working with words and letting them order and clarify the way one feels, thinks, and acts.
After a major television network offered to interview me, but then cancel the interview, that series of events first raised but then lowered my self-concept, confused me, made me feel powerless—even helpless, but not hopeless.
Soon after I started to edit the index of a book I'm writing, I began to feel increasingly better.
Working with words balanced my emotions and allowed me to feel, think, and act correctly again. I call that word therapy.
Spanish translated into english bad
Did you guys watch Word, The Alphabet
Means “truth” or “I’m not lieing”
Man #1- Yo shawty that was at the McDonald’s counter thicker then a snicker!
Man #2- bro “word is life” she is.
A phrase originated in Kaufman, TX that can be used to acknowledge a statement, to confirm affirmation, to express your approval and/ or just to say hi.
Y’all gonna be home later?
Word Turkey.