The Bloods, also known as Original Blood Family, are a primarily African-American street gang founded in Los Angeles, California. The gang is widely known for its rivalry with the Crips. It is identified by the red color worn by its members and by particular gang symbols, including distinctive hand signs. Wikipedia
Bloods use to rule our country
A red liquid that flows in your body (and out of your vagina)
There’s bloOd coming out of my vagina
A type of red substance that comes out of your body cells of pain to circulate your soul.
A person:*bleeds out blood*
The other person:Oh, here's a band-aid
A person:I don't need it, my blood circulates my soul.
a very hot guy with hella black friends and that is is totally not racist
blood is a racist
Death and life, the third side of the coin. Be yourself. Follow your heart. My gift to you.
He's a blood.