The 6th of June is the day when mega Walruses are most commonly birthed. When it is WALRUS day you must yell 'walrus power' randomly and if no one replys with 'walrus monkey power sheild' you are automatically a Mega walrus.
'Yo, its the 6th of june, walrus power!'
'WALRUS monkey power sheild!'
'Well someone replied so Im not a walrus'
The 6th of June is WALRUS day, this means that on the 6th of June you must randomly yell out "walrus power!" and if not one replys with "walrus monkey power sheild!" You automatically become a Mega walrus. But if someone does reply correctly the 2 participants must have a walrus dule (Rock paper scissors, best out of three) who ever wins IS A MEGA WALRUS! (No rematches with the same person you lost or won against) WMPS
"It's the 6th of june!, WALRUS power!"
"WALRUS monkey power sheild"
"Dang u ansewed now we can play rock paper visors best out if three and see who wins!)
"That's so cool "
ziua internațională a babelor girlboss care fura tei
uite-o ba și pe aia, fura tei pe 15 june
A day when parents can take away their childrens phones and iPads
Give me your iPad, its the 15 june
Juxtaposition aiming to add queer representation to biblical depictions of David, who is the symbol of liberty and freedom of the Republican ideals; furthermore, June is the US month to celebrate pride.
Caitlyn Jenner's transition in conjunction with her conservative political affiliation means she's Juning David!
Worst day out of the year to have your wedding. Most marriages end in divorce when married on June 8.
Oh! Your wedding is today? Today is the worst day to have your wedding. You shouldn’t get married on June 8.
National naked exercise day: a day to celebrate your body by exercising naked. With a loved one or alone! Celebrate your body!
June 8 is national naked exercise day!