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Penis Fly Trap

A woman who is physically attractive and lures in men away from their friends and keeps letting them get closer to getting laid but never actually lets them get there. Then takes all their attention and when they get bored they leave him

“Dude I’m going on a date
“I wouldn’t trust her, she’s kinda a penis fly trap

by Dr. Taco Cocko November 16, 2019

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gunther the trap lord

A white rich boy who is fascinated with the struggle of a black in the trap house

God blessing all the trap niggas

Gunther the trap lord

by Kiing Charlie Tango August 15, 2015

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trap ass hoe

Type of woman who tricks men into getting them pregnant.

She lied and said she was on birth control. She's such a trap ass hoe!

by Dirk "Ram" Diggler April 21, 2017

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Chinese Finger Trap

A woman who only works with two guys at the same time

I got Jenna over at my place last night and she wouldn't put out unless another dude was there. She's such a Chinese Finger Trap

by GarageDinner July 1, 2015

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Venus Fly Trap

The vagina belonging to an anti-male woman.

After listening to Ani Difranco, the bull dike's Venus Fly Trap chewed up a penis and spit it out.

by Halmersteve February 6, 2006

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Venus Fly Trap

When, generally after peeing, your penis and/or nut(s) become entangled in your zipper while putting the equipment away. Results in numerous painful sensations and often akward questioning. Refers to a fly being maimed inside of the venus fly trap plant.

-"Jonny, what's that on your zipper?"
-"I was a victem of the Venus Fly Trap."
-"Omg lol."

by chris mac November 14, 2005

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Trap Queen

The Queen of Traps whose femininity outshines all other would be traps.

A male who could be mistaken for a woman even by the straightest of men.

Some may think Pico is the #1 Trap but I feel that crown belongs to Ruka Urushibara he's a total Trap Queen.

"Man I totally watched Boku no Pico last night that Pico totally looked like a chick and made me hard as hell. I'd totally fuck that little Trap Queen."
"Nah man, the Trap Queen is totally Ruka Urushibara go read some Steins;Gate doujins."

by Daishan August 14, 2015

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