Source Code

gunned down

to shoot, be shot, or shot at

nick: yo, i heard your brother was shot and killed last week.
carlos: yea, he was gunned down by a gang member

by short,thick,andhot January 17, 2016

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shank down

a group of 2 or more people who beat down one person using fists/homemade knives/kicks for no reason or to steal something from them.

NewsPaper Salesmen: "Oh you guys are gonna give me a shank down again!!?"

by sleekdizzle October 22, 2005

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Refering to police officers po-po,pigs,five-o ect. The old style six shot police .357 magnum or the like in a holster, hence the bullets are six in quanity and facing down.

Six-down fool, run!

by jacob November 14, 2003

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Thumbs Down

This is most likely what this definition will get.

I just reached 100 thumbs down. Hooray! My definition sucks dick!

by tyler225905 June 22, 2016

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turn down for that

When you at a party and someone does something completely stupid or disgusting that makes you say turn down for that instead of turn down for what.

(Crazy Drunk Bastard)-Turn down for what?! *strips off pants & starts twerking*
(TD4T Enthusiast)-Turn down for that. *pointing at crazy drunk bastard*

by UrbanDictionaryEnthusiast May 23, 2014

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Down Syndrome

โ€ข Down syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in a baby's cells. 3 copies of chromosome 21, instead of the usual 2 copies.
โ€ข Around one in every 1000 babies born will have Down syndrome.
โ€ข There are over 40,000 people in the UK with the condition.
โ€ข Down's syndrome is not a disease. People with Down's syndrome are not ill and do not "suffer" from the condition.
โ€ข People with the syndrome will have a learning difficulty; about half will have a heart defect needing operation after birth. However, people with Down's syndrome walk and talk, read and write, go to school and lead fulfilling, semi-independent lives. They tend to be particularly good at relating to other people, mimicry, acting, dancing and music.

โ€ข The life expectancy of people with Down syndrome has doubled since the early 1980s due to better medical care and heart operations. 44% of people with Down's syndrome today are living into their 60's.
โ€ข In the United States about 20% of adults with Down syndrome do some form of paid work.

As with other forms of disability and difference, children who have not been taught better may use "Downs" or "Downs Syndrome" or "Special Needs" as an abusive term for other children. This is not all that common with "Down Syndrome" though previous terms for people with Down Syndrome (such as "Mongoloid" "Mongol" (shortened to "Mong") and "Retard" have been and still are used abusively and as a result have dropped out of normal use.

"We now know that the child with Down syndrome
can gain significantly from the language and social
skills they observe in their typically-developing peers.
They flourish with exposure to the rich language and
play experiences they witness around them. We also
know that the other children, too, benefit from
having a child with special needs as a peer. "

by Boring Typical Syndrome Dad March 21, 2018

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Young Down

Verb :
1. To get with the times or current situation.
2. To be knowledgable on relevent subjects or Current events

1. The opposite of out dated

Misc :
1. Often followed by the word brah.

1. Yo, Grandpa you need to stop livin' in da past and young down.

2. Young down, brah.

by KillaSmooth September 1, 2006

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