A hatred that came about from MANDALAY BAY TRAUMA.
NO QUESTION about it ROBBIE WILLIAMS used my music ideas with GUY CHAMBERS.
A COUPLING just like ED SHEERAN song THINKING OUT LOUD disabled and old.
WHEN I found out in the song "ME AND MY MONKEY.143 I was not only the POINT MAN of RODRIGUEZ...stEphen cRaIG paDdOck in the worse shooting in US HISTORY MANDALAY BAY but also a PED0PHILE ASSH0LE SHITEATER things just keep getting worse as look to the 666FAG WEBSITE SQUIRT as the evidence ATTACHMENT KEY to the GAY FLOOR 33 given in the song that shows PREMEDITATED MURDERS and now changes the disposition to a SELF-HATRED PAS because the entire case will now change like ROBBIE WILLIAMS changed the PROPERTY additional of a HOLMBY.FAGGOTS HILLS.GOT FAGS entrapped big time.
At the time ROBBIE WILLUAMS always a big fan from the UNITED STATES which is key that ROBBIE WILLIAMS has all my music over 7,000 songs SINGWRITER STRIP PEDOPHILE STRIP away as he looks like me and his SELF-HATRED PAS is going to get worse so keep it up SHITEATER.
RED LITTLE BOY and PEDOPHILE ASSH0LE SHITEATER will become more of a SELF-HATRED PAS as ALAN I being THE POINT MAN of STEPHEN CRAIG PADDOCK called the " SHOTS" sometime in the "BEFORE" the 91" HARVEST" would never end at MANDALAY BAY of all 43 FLOORS of SCAT.
To tour a place such as museums, attractions, sightseeing, etc., without a guided tour showing you around.
Kyle: Hey Justin, do you want to go to the Ground Zero at 2 pm? They have guided tours, but we can go do self tours since we donβt need a guided tour.
Justin: I would love to go, but unfortunately, I wonβt be able to go at 2 pm. Can we do noon, if possible?
Kyle: Thatβs perfectly fine, Justin! Self tours are more fun than a guided tour anyways since we can talk to each other!
Gustavio's balanced self is really helpful. I do appreciate that. I never tell him enough. I never do many things enough. But this is about Gustavio. His balanced self.
Thank you, Gustavio's balanced self, for being there. Better late than never. Better digital than nothing at all.
Gustavio's balanced self, I still have so much work to do. Scary when I think of it. Coffee?
It's about a guy named DAN who has since went OFF to run the QUIET MAFIA at some huge LUXURY HOTEL.
Direction of every brilliant IDEAS GRABBER.
This is a good confident GOOD SPORT.
We just had a MASS FAGG0T'S explosion and it seems to have come from the direction HEADS UP ASSH0LE SELF which it they are quite a P00PING BITCH.0
Hey a great way to get down to each and every ELEMENT is do this underage PEDOPHILE STUFF and then you will get HEADS UP YOUR ASSH0LE SELF with a lot of SQUIRT SODA too BOOT AND YEP is that DAN OVER AT THE BOOT EUROPA.
And when do THEY forgo THEIR self interest for ME, Jordan? That's what makes your entire worldview horseshit. It never goes the other way. It NEVER takes the form of YOU (or ANYONE for that matter) forgoing THEIR self-interest for ME.
Hym "And when does it work in the other direction? Who around me needs to forgo their own narrow self-interest? Noone? Then why should I be expected to? 'BeCaUsE yOu ShOuLd Be SeLflEsS! AgAiNsT yOuR wIlL eVeN!' You're NOT THAT Jordan. That's what makes you a charlatan. AND a liar. You don't actually ACT like you believe any of the things you say and all of your colleges have proven they DON'T actually belive any of the things you say. Your entire career has been dealing with poor victimized women and malevolent men and now YOU'RE THE SAVIOR! THE WHITE PROPHET COMETH! WOOO!" πππππππππππππ
Wanting what is best for everyone, including oneself, not, as commonly believed, what is best only for oneself.
He knew it was in his self-interest to help as many people as possible thrive and prosper, in comfort and safety, that only then could he ultimately thrive and prosper.
Or simply 'groupie'...
Much like a 'selfie', this is when two or more people pose for a photo that is simultaneously being taken by one of the photo subjects, normally with the intent to upload to social media after it has been taken.
Also like a 'selfie' this photo is taken with one member of the group extending an arm to capture all of the members (and his/herself) in the photo as well.
By the pure definition of the world 'self', Ellen Degeneres' photo taken with several of her fellow Hollywood stars at the #Oscars2014, could not have been a 'selfie'; instead, it would be referred to as a 'self-groupie' or simply a 'groupie'. This is not to be confused with the 'Groupies' that hang around stars and famous people, hoping to be seen or included in that lifestyle of glitz and fame.